I have trust with my partner and I am tryint to break up(is not easy).
The origin(there are more reasons obvioulsy) is that she thinks is okay to have dates and talk with other people that she is attracted in order to relize if her feelings are stronger for that person.

I know there is a guy she has doubts about, main reason why I am trying to break up.

I consider it cheating and a lack of loyalty. I want my partner to talk with people of the opposite members but if she does not show respect for the relationship how can I trust her?

I thought it was a weird thing, but lately I heard similar stories. For example a couple of friends recently married, the guy is quite religious. I asked them about their first date and he tried to kiss her…but she denied him, because she had a gf at the moment. So basically he tried to cheat her partner at the time, and yet they married? How can you trust that person

I am lost. Is this a normal behaviour in relationships? How can you trust them? I am trying to solve my low self steem problems but this make it hard.

I am mad with myself, I have rejected a job in another country that was a great opportunity and I feel like an idiot as my partner is enjoying other guy attention…

Tl;dr: Gf and her friends thinks is okay to have dates while in a relationship

  1. >she thinks is okay to have dates and talk with other people that she is attracted in order to relize if her feelings are stronger for that person.

    That is unusual. There are people in what are called “open relationships”, where both parties agree that it’s okay for either person to date other people while they’re still in a relationship. But if you’re not comfortable with your gf doing that, then it’s not right for her do do that, and she needs to find someone else who is okay with that.

  2. What you think is all that matters. If couples somehow manage their relationships by having dates and it works for them then that’s beautiful for them. I wouldn’t say it’s “normal” but shit, it’s 2023 and many relationship types exist. All that is irrelevant, it’s about what you’re comfortable with and what you consider are the confines of a monogamous relationship that matter. Me? Not interested in dating others whilst in a relationship, and if the other person thinks that’s fine, then ok, that’s a fundamental difference and that’s probably relationship over.

  3. It sounds like she doesn’t want to have an exclusive relationship. It sounds like that would not work for you. If you two disagree about something as fundamental as the type of relationship you want to have (exclusive vs non-exclusive), you probably shouldn’t be together.

  4. Technically anything can be normal but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it if it’s not for you then you should 100% leave

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