I don’t know why ppl leave me on opened or delivered on Snapchat. They’re really nice to me in person but when we don’t interact for a few days they treat me like I’m a stranger and ignore me on snap. Have I done something wrong???

  1. Don’t take it personally. Perhaps they are busy or just don’t feel obliged to respond.

    I view Snapchat as a way to exchange pictures. Rarely do I Snapchat someone to illicit a response.

    If you want people to respond to you, call them. Or better yet, interact with people face to face.

  2. Who cares, Snapchat, instagram and messages makes all people feel like they are entitled to replies all the time. This is not the case, just because someone doesn’t reply on Snapchat doesn’t mean they don’t like you. I leave my friends on read all the time, sometimes I forget, get busy or simply don’t care about a blank photo. I encourage you to try a little break from Snapchat and only text friends on messages for a few days and see how you feel! Wishing you all the best

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