Women, what is something that really pisses you off?

  1. People who drive exactly or just under the speed limit, especially when they live in this state and the roads are clear and dry and it’s not dark or super bright.

    People who walk slow.

    People who stand in the aisle at stores chatting and taking up all the space.

  2. Being lied to, in order to get me to do something I don’t want to do or go somewhere I don’t want to go. It’s because of this, I don’t carpool with anyone or ride anywhere with friends.

  3. slow walkers
    people with absolutely no manners
    or people like my sister trys to steal/copy some ones mental illness like as soon as I was diagnosed she googled it the was immediately like that’s what I have oh (name) there’s no way you have been diagnosed with that because you don’t have it because I have it
    it pisses me off so much lol

  4. People who drive under the influence. There’s too many options available now to get a ride home.

  5. There are a lot of things that can piss women off, but some common things include: feeling disrespected, being treated like an object, or feeling like their voices are not being heard.

  6. Racism, judgemental people, men who think they can tell a woman how to act, what to do with her body, mean and rude people damn so much! 😊

  7. In the last couple of months , i was really pissed off when Roe v Wade was overturned

    And recently discovering the terrible impact of cancel cultures in some other countries around the world. Actors had to end/pause their careers and stop interacting with a coworker over the popularity of a show or a movie .

  8. Too many people in one place
    Too many different sounds at one time
    Being interrupted
    Slow drivers

  9. When other women are saying that periods are not that bad and you just have to go through it, because their periods aren’t as bad. Mine is like hell, so don’t talk it down just cause you don’t experience it that bad.

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