Me & a group of other people started work 2 years ago at this company. We have formed a friend group & often go on nights out together. One of the girls I am closest with (Liz) kissed one of the guys (Adam) we started with about a year ago & then again about 6 months ago. She told me she had a huge crush on him & she wanted to start a relationship with him but he turned her down saying he wouldn’t want to start anything because they work together & he only did it because he was drunk however I now know this isn’t the reason. I don’t know why he didn’t want to pursue a relationship with her they are both great people. About 3 months ago Liz found a boyfriend who she really likes & they are very happy together, her boyfriend doesn’t work with us. In the last month me and Adam have become really close, he has helped me through a tough time recently (I got spiked in a club and blacked out). Liz has been busy with her new man which is fine but we are not as close as we once were. Me and Adam have always had a flirty relationship but nothing has ever come from it but I think both of us have developed deeper feelings for each other. We went out on a night out a few weeks ago without Liz & I indirectly told him that I wouldn’t go there out of respect for Liz. Since that night we have gotten even closer, I would like to pursue something further with him but I don’t want to hurt Liz. How can I pursue this without hurting my friend, if at all possible?

TLDR: I developed feelings for a guy my friend kissed. She now has a boyfriend. Need advice how to proceed, if I should at all.

1 comment
  1. Maybe there’s some moral code between girlfriends I’m not privy to, but I really don’t see the issue here. If Liz is currently dating another guy, there shouldn’t be any obstacles here.

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