It’s like some kind of conform mentality, as in there’s a single way to approach things and the masters of that community will teach you the ways, if you figure out your “own way” then you are disgraceful, narcissistic, even a liar.

To me school was the biggest hit of these all, it’s long in my past, but it still makes me bitter; as I grew older I realized my “wrong ways” were not but superior methods; since I use a computer for everything and I am very successful at that; the problem is that anything else that deviates from the norm, must be wrong and you must be an idiot.

It’s not just school, it’s virtually everywhere, work, games, religion, music; and boy god forbids you succeed with your way to do things.

Ah that’s pretty much how I left the hood, by pretty much ignoring everyone’s advice and making everyone pissed for dismissing them; but now I am not poor anymore. But I am still a failure in their eyes.

The experts are often the people that don’t seem to know shit, their knowledge is like a spear, it’s deep but narrow; they get stuck into one position and can’t believe when people find success doing things differently; but then communities are built around this people, around these beliefs; and they kneel before these ideals, not realizing, they could come with their own, and their own will likely be better for them. And unless it’s science or a natural law, chances are, your best way is not their best way and a good leader should take advantage of each one to develop their own “best way” which is unknown to the leader.

My current job is to bring ideas to fix things in education to a bunch of bureaucrats, but then, none listens; because I lack the background, I am a science dropout, not a pedagogic expert, how do you even find yourself in this position?… Only my employer puts hopes; but everyone else wants me out, I only exist to be the enemy; why was I hired for?… someone that believes in the value of the individual and making your own self as you see fit, goes against the common wisdom of centralized knowledge and one way for everyone built by experts; it’s the experts against the low of the low of society, human garbage without value, who are you?…

How can you even feel any connection to such society?… how can lots of people stand being humiliated and their sense of self be destroyed in favor of some collective wisdom?…

1 comment
  1. I’m not sure what advice to give. You seem to self-loathe and self-aggrandize yourself at the same time. You shift from pride to self-deprecation in the same paragraph. You have to find more balance between your emotions, assurances and insecurities. You have to be self aware of who you truly are.

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