I work in a really close/friendly start-up environment. I’m talking about dinners/brewery hang outs at least once a week, group chats, & eating lunch in the break room together everyday. I really liked that aspect, especially because I’m in my early 20s and I don’t have a lot of friends in the area. I got really close with one of my guy coworkers (27M) and he started texting me everyday for a month and flirting with me in the office. He eventually asked me out and I was so excited, I’ve had a crush on him for months. We went out on like 8 amazing dates in the span of 1 month and hooked up twice. I left for vacation (I went to Europe, but he texted me basically everyday asking how my day was!) and then when I came back 3 weeks later, I noticed he started distancing himself from me/texting me less.

Eventually, we talked in person and he told me that he’s not ready for a serious relationship right now. He said his mental health got really bad when I left for various reasons – his grandmother is sick, his best friend moved away, and he has intimacy issues. When we slept together, he had erectile dysfunction both times & said he’s been dealing with this issue for the past two years. I told him that didn’t matter to me, but he said it’s affecting his mental health/ruining his self-esteem because he doesn’t feel like he can be good in bed for me.

He said that he’s really sorry & the door is still open on his end if things get better – that he really likes me a lot and I did nothing wrong.

This was in October & I still try to act the same at work/talk/hang out in groups and we still act normal in person. But deep down, this really stings and I go home a lot crying because I either A) Miss him so much – being intimate with him or our dates B) I miss his friendship. I feel like I can’t text or talk to him the same way I used to. C) If I do act sort of flirty or the way I used to, I feel like an idiot after.
I just don’t know what to do anymore. When I distance myself, I feel sad and miss him. When I spend time with him, I feel like an idiot because it will just make moving on even harder. When I try to date or move on, I keep thinking about him & I haven’t found someone else that I like yet. I also don’t want to seem desperate and I’m not the type to do rebounds really. I tried dating apps since then but I’ve just gone on like 4 shitty dates so far that went nowhere. I do all the things I’m supposed to with a break up – I hang out with friends any chance I get, I try to delve into hobbies, I even tried applying to new jobs. But still, even when I’m busy or trying to switch jobs, he’s all I think about. I fell for him pretty hard.

TLDR – I fell for my coworker & we dated, but we broke up. Now I have to see him everyday and I still have feelings for him. Any advice on how to cope (besides changing jobs, since I already have tried that/kind of stuck for now). And I know they say don’t dip your pen in company ink, but its already too late.

1 comment
  1. I would say to distance yourself completely, I know it’s hard but it’s for the sake of your sanity. Being around him, pretending you’re okay, and going out on dates is like you’re lying to yourself which is making everything worse. Take your pen out of the company ink. Focus on your work and yourself, maybe even ignore him. Don’t wait around on him.

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