I have a few people i see at the gym regularly, and recently i was having a convo with one of them and it was before new year’s and i asked him what were his plans for the new years and if he was going to another city, he replied “i am throwing a party at my place”, i was like cool you enjoy that”, my question is was he dropping a hint to come chill or am i overthinking?

  1. Depends on how he the convo went, but it doesnt sound like he was dropping a hint. He wouldve just straight up asked you in that moment.

    Sometimes gym friends are just that gym friends until someone puts the effort to try and make it more than that. Whether invite to a game or hangout. Or even be like “me and a few buddies are gonna be at the bars yall should go if you guys are free”.

    Seems like your friend jsut sees you as a gym friend. Nothing wrong with that. Just means if you want to be more of a regular friend just take the effort to start inviting them places.

  2. There was no hint. If I throw a party on New Year’s eve and some guy I talked to at the gym asks me what I do that night, and I tell him, it really doesn’t mean he’s invited. If you want to build a stronger friendship than gym buddies, you may invite him/her for a drink after workout, but the person may not bite: some people prefer gym friendships to stay what they are.

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