So me and this girl were chatting briefly, we exchanged pics and she said “Not my type, sorry” I said its cool and then she said sorry and I blocked her lol and now I feel shitty about her saying it.

  1. Why would you feel bad? She literally saved you from wasting your time and effort and was up front about it, you should be thankful for that. Almost every guy can recall a time of being lead on for weeks, months, or even years by a woman and getting completely finnessed in the end.

    Be appreciative towards women who reject you up front.

  2. I really wouldn’t let it get to you, it doesn’t mean you’re ugly at all. Personally I’m really into dark haired men, so if i was her, i got your picture and saw you were blond i would most likely also loose interest. You could look like a 10/10 model but i’m just not into blonds. Same goes for other features, this was just a very basic example.

  3. When Chris Evans was named sexiest man of the year social media exploded with people saying “ew” and explaining why they disagree. If Chris Evans (and every other person named sexiest of the year) isn’t everyone’s type, no one else is going to be either. Keep this in perspective. You’re not this one girl’s type. So what? She’s one person you barely knew. There is nothing to feel shitty about and you can choose not to let this bother you at all.

  4. girls be like that. dont worry you’ll find one or two who will def dig your type and they’ll be all over you. its painful but you gotta keep putting yourself out there otherwise you’ll stay hidden never find those one or two girls nahmean (could be more who knows)

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