To avoid confusion I am 20M, my friend who introduced me to her is 21F, and the girl in question is Jessie and she’s 23. I’ve been around her a few times and she’s a part of my friend group now, she’s known a couple of my friend and she’s good friends with them.

I was introduced to her a couple months ago and I don’t talk all the much to her until now. She has made rude comments about me and she has treated me pretty bad If I am honest. A few days ago we all went out for dinner + drinks and she came along. Friends started talking about their sex life and she pitched in on the conversation.

For whatever reason, one of our friends said she should just hook up with me because it seemed like she was into me. Jessie started saying a bunch of things about me and said I was annoying to her and I started talking to her. The whole sex talk went on and Jessie said that I didn’t have the guts to fck her anyway.

I replied saying I would and then my friend started saying we would make a cute couple. Jessie then started saying that I probably would be too nervous to be with her and that I had been talking a lot but not showing her that I would actually be with her or sleep with her. She still was kind of complaining about my flaws, but she said she was just gonna wait to see if I am actually a man of my word.

We have an upcoming camping trip next week actually and jessie said that I would have her there for a few nights to see if I am actually going to “walk the walk, or just talk the talk”. I don’t know if she’s actually being serious or not because she had ranted me right before saying i didn’t have the guts to have sex with her. I like her and all, but I suck at making moves so I need you people’s help.

How do I approcach the whole thing once we go to the trip together? Is asking her to stay in my tent with me a good way to make it clear what I want??

Tldr: New mutual friend in our friend group makes a lot of comments about me and talks about me a lot. Friends claim she wants to be with me, but at the same time she compalins about me. How do I find out her true intentions?

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