Dating a friend, what can go wrong?

  1. I mean, it could go wrong in any number of ways, from hurt feelings up to murder.

    It could also go right in any number of ways, from great orgasms up to lifelong marriage and family.

    It could go lots of ways.

  2. You both fall in love and then one of you changes your mind because their life is too busy

  3. Maybe it ruins a friendship if it doesn’t work out, definitely all depends on the friendship and no two relationships are ever the same.

  4. idk, that’s not a lot to go off of. I certainly aint friends with my ex anymore, or the friends that were closer to her, and she still works with my friends so that’s probably not fun for her.

  5. Instead of looking at the negative side of things, look at the positive side. But all jokes aside if both of you are upfront and honest about things, you’ll be alright for the most part. I say that because relationships are work no matter who you’re with.

  6. I’d say you should probably only be dating someone you know enough about to consider a friend

  7. Maybe Twitter becomes aware of its fame. Rain becomes blue on this planet. God sends a postcard. Post card gets misinterpreted the next 7,000 years. God leaves again…take your pick, friend. Wait, I just saw “up to murder” wha-

  8. The same things that go wrong with dating a stranger. You only half know a friend really

  9. I dated a friend, had a great time, moved on, still friends.

    But, loads could go wrong as has been mentioned.

  10. Personally I found love in someone i barely knew beforehand when we met in college marching band before I dropped out. Been shy of five years strong now and engaged. Now as for dating a childhood friend? Don’t, gonna be the biggest heartbreak of your life and will flat fuck up any history you have together and make you look back on a lot of years with regret

  11. Exactly the same things as with anyone else.

    There are significant advantages, though, and no unique risks.

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