What are you a bit of a snob about?

  1. For me, it’s food. I’ll eat just about anything you put in front of me, but I’m kind of a snob about the quality of the food.

  2. Music for sure.

    And specifically, people who are music lovers who listen to artists I respect still loving Taylor Swift enough that they were in their top 5 Spotify Wrapped. WHY.

  3. I don’t like milk chocolate. I like dark chocolate. The darker the better, otherwise you’re just eating candy of cocoa flavor.

  4. manners and attitude. I work in customer service over the phone and the amount of people who don’t even have the manners to e.g. tell me their name or asking me to help them instead of just demanding it is astounding.

    This of course also translate to everyday life as well. People who let the stores’ shopping basket lying around (here in Germany we don’t have that big of a problem with shopping carts as you have to put a coin in to get one) or blatantly block the entire aisle etc.

    also Parking, we all know if it’s possible you leave at least one empty space between your car and the next and you do not cover multiple spots, I swear these people are driving me crazy

  5. Fabric/Material quality. Im all for a good bargain, but clothing or furniture is one thing I won’t fuck around with. If the fabric is polyester, cheaply put together or just feels like shit I won’t wear it.

  6. I am the snobbiest snob who ever snobbed when it comes to coffee. Only the best will do, and I refuse to buy already ground, only beans and I grind it myself each morning. To me there is a huge taste difference in cheap coffee and the good stuff.

  7. How clean I keep my house lol I hate when people say they’re “clean-freaks” and you go to their house and you can feel the dirt on the floor and see trash everywhere. Also, LAUNDRY PILES!!! WHYYYY is your clean laundry in a pile on your dirty ass FLOOR!! I definitely have a (mild) case of OCD but it irks me lol

  8. I’m a kitchen snob according to my girlfriend. When we were apartment hunting I would immediately say no to a place that didn’t have my ideal kitchen. It didn’t matter how perfect the rest of the place was.

  9. My dogs. I’m not rude or obnoxious about other peoples dogs and their choices. But I take a lot of care in what my dogs consume, their exercise, their mental enrichment etc. I’m A single woman living alone, those knuckle heads are my family. So I’m extremely picky about what I allow them to consume and making sure they’re as healthy as possible.

  10. Mostly food-related. I don’t like going out to restaurants and ordering food I can have at home.

  11. The condition of people’s vehicles. I’ll silently judge you if your vehicle is a disaster

  12. Cheeses and oysters, I have become a 30-something elitist and I can’t pinpoint when it happened.

  13. When someone throws a bunch of adjectives about themselves to try to sell themselves when I didn’t ask for it and not interested.

  14. Skin care and coffee. I don’t even care if I come across snobby anymore lol I’m just not a st ives and folders girl.

  15. My friends introduced me to the world of craft beers and I have never been the same.

  16. Slogans. Specifically on t-shirts and walls. I’m convinced that people who have “this kitchen is made for dancing” have never one danced in their kitchen.

  17. Cheese/Charcuterie boards. A pet peeve of mine is when restaurants slap some packaged deli meat down and try and pass it off as a charcuterie board lmao.

    Good boards are worth the money but the former feels like a food-catfish

  18. Furniture. I notice it in other people’s homes, I have a few items in my house that bother me that I want to replace with solid wood pieces. I feel like even a well built home looks cheap when you fill it with mass produced particle board furniture.

  19. Tea snob here. Math snob as well (not to students, whose job is literally to learn), math teachers without STEM degrees who don’t understand the material and/or teach things that are straight up wrong just…gah.

  20. Crochet, namely amigirumi. If you use felt for details it’s “not real crochet”. Button eyes I will tolerate. 😜

  21. Taking work seriously.Coming to work on time.
    I hate when people don’t respect the work they are doing.I understand you might not like it but you sure like the hefty pay check you get.

  22. Films, tv shows, books. I really hate the trend of women avoiding/mocking more highbrow art/cultural forms just because men (usually men under the age of 25) can be really obnoxious about it. More generally, I just hate anti-intellectualism. I used to genuinely be so embarrassed to talk about foreign films that I liked or lob a critique at a fluffier fiction book that all of my girlfriends loved (not that I don’t also love a good fluffy read) because I felt like such an asshole or a hater. But screw it, I like what I like!

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