Dear readers

Around two hours ago I was doing “it” with my lady and I kept getting soft. I couldn’t stay hard like usual, we do it about 3/4 times a week. To be honest it made me feel less masculine and less manly. I felt like I couldn’t perform and it made me kinda feel self conscious about the fact that I couldn’t perform, even though my lady has reassured me multiple times that she doesn’t see me differently and doesn’t care really. I felt frustrated, freaked out and kinda ashamed. She told me that her friends had told her the same happened to their boyfriends but I feel like it’s just empty words. I don’t think it has really happened but she’s just trying to make me feel better about the situation. I don’t think I have a erectile dysfunction but I could be wrong. I’m a male in my early twenties.

TL;DR : couldn’t stay hard during sex and it’s freaking me out.

  1. It could happen due to stress as well. Try not to worry too much about it jf it’s the first time. If it keeps happening then consult a doctor.

  2. When I first started having sex I had erection issues too, its just nerves + years of excessive porn use

    It’ll go away, as long as you dont obsess about it

  3. Dude it happens to the best of us, sometimes the little guy gets worn out. Lack of fluids, diet, sleep, stress, alcohol, overthinking, round 2 etc.

    Brush it off, if she has then so should you.

  4. Coming from a woman, it’s happened to most of the men I’ve been with at one point or another. It’s completely normal and I can honestly say it doesn’t bother us ladies! Try not to let it get into your head because believe me you’re not the only one

  5. First of all, it’s totally normal, so don’t stress about it.

    Secondly, a couple of things to consider: how healthy are you? Are you getting moderate exercise? Does your diet consist of fatty and high sodium foods?
    Do you drink and smoke? If so, how frequently?
    Is heart health an issue in your family? Does anyone take any medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol? Any heart attacks? How about issues with anxiety and depression?

    You don’t have to answer any of these, but they can all be underlying factors for ED issues, and even though you are still young, it’s something worth keeping in mind. These issues can catch up with you later in life if you don’t address them, but luckily your body is pretty resilient so long as you are proactive.

  6. Medically, completely normal. Men actually tend to fluctuate in how hard they are during any particular session- sometimes things just get a bit too soft. The older you get, the more likely you will experience this at some point. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Stress, illness, dehydration, alcohol consumption, heat, etc. can all play a role. At your young age and with no prior history, I’d guess one or more of the preceding factors are at play.

    Give it a day, make sure you’re rested and ready to go, and give it another shot. If it continues to be a problem for more than a week, or if it gets worse, bring it up next time you see your doctor.

  7. Youre probably doing it too often. Its not a big deal. Let your sexual energy build up more.

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