So the husband is wanting a divorce. He told me this a few days ago.

I am a stay at home mom to our 10 month old, so I will be finding a job shortly. He had some cash that I told him to save because we needed it for bills. Well, he spent it on different things and buying stuff to make him a room out in our detached garage so he can stay there..

Of course I’m upset because now we are short for bills.

For Christmas he got me some jewelry from kays totaling about 450$.. I’m thinking about returning it so we have the extra money for bills..

Is this a bad decision? I don’t even know why I’m asking.. I feel bad to return it and I don’t know why.. I’m obviously nice.

  1. Yes, you should sell jewelry from a man that doesn’t love you so you can pay bills for you and your baby

  2. I agree with the other comment. Your baby comes before the feelings of a man who doesn’t love you.

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