Hey. I need help… I’ve been in relationship for over 2y with my girlfriend and and we live together for over a year . She is absolutely great as girlfriend, really supportive(I’m entrepreneur) and present for me, definitely loyal and everything to be the perfect wife.

She has been a game changer in my journey as a young business owner and as a man. And the first time I moved out of my parents house it was with her.

But I have a HUGE problem. SEX. our sexual relation started great I was really satisfied in the beginning but then I got really used to… same positions, same moments, really scheduled.. not so much spices in our sexual relationship. Tend to be boring.

I have huuuuuuuuge sex drive, like I can several times a day/week. She will be fine with with once a week

Btw, she is super satisfied by our sexual life, she know that I like it but I’m bored of the sexual routine

She is really old school… she is not into trying new things easily…

The sad parts is that girls are constantly attracting me, from everywhere, A$$es, nice styles, beautiful faces/body.. I’m easily getting distracted by them.

A lot of woman are trying to get in contact with me in real life and social media… is really hard to always not show interest…

Sometimes I think that I should be single just to be able to have a free “sex” life but I’m wondering if it will really make me happy ? Now I’m neither happy neither sad.

I’m just in a relationship. I definitely see her as a wife but I definitely see also myself f*****g with others women.

Btw, I never cheated on her, even when I could

Before her, I slept with like 20 women I thought I had enough but now I’m kinda regretting my choice. I don’t know if loosing my most loyal gf just for some $ex is a good choice ?

The more time is passing, the more I find others woman attractive.

Can someone guide me ?

Also I’m brutally honest and since I’m 12y, I have a big problem with porn, I think that having porn in my life can’t help me to think clearly… I consume porn regularly and self pleasure myself regularly, is it the problem??

TL;DR should I leave my loyal girlfriend who can become my wife because I lust others girls just to satisfy sexual desires ? Because I’m sexually bored and probably badly influenced by p0rn?

  1. You should break up with her because, honestly, she deserves someone who doesn’t see it as a considerable chore to NOT cheat on her. Break up with her. Be single.

    Also, consider seeking therapy, I truly believe if what you are looking for is a healthy, monogamous, long-term relationship, you will need to divorce your current sexual expectations from that goal.

  2. I think you should leave your gf for her sake.

    I don’t think you’re really in the right headspace for a committed relationship.

    Cut back on the porn and start some therapy.

  3. Therapy. Literally 90% of the posts here clearly indicate a need for therapy.

    Reddit is not the place to go to. You are being very unfair to a loyal girlfriend, and your behaviour seems to be bordering on sex addiction.

    Break up with her and meet with a therapist.

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