I was diagnosed with Asperger’s at childhood, I didn’t have any friends as a kid and always looked ugly, never held a solid relationship for most of high school. Now I’m in college with a stable job, I started taking better care of myself because I live alone.

For the past couple months people have been telling me that I look handsome so after having a schism I decided to try out tinder. I got 40 matches in like a week and it feels overwhelming but I’m also getting a huge self esteem boost from this. I need some advice about dating as I have crippling trauma from my ex and also how do I tell someone who I’m dating how I actually have Asperger’s and that I’m not good at socializing?

  1. It’s always best to be straightforward about it, saying you’re just not the best at socialising just to let them know. It’s better than not telling them so you don’t give off anything that tells them “okay? This is strange” i have autism too (spectrum) and it’s always best to be honest first and if they say no, then that’s okay. Good luck to you in dating.

  2. I don’t usually tell people I have autism unless it happens to come up. I just tell them the specific things about my behavior that may be an issue.

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