I dunno really how to start it other than I dated a guy of the age of 16 (which is legal in my and his state) while he was 18, after two years we broke it off (the reason around it was related to mental issues and what not which I did manage to work on) thing is, after a year (or at this point, two years) or so of beening on break, I felt like I was ready to date again, problem is, all of the guys, and I mean all, that hit me up (digitally and irl way) seems, well, uninteresting to me, no matter how old they are, or how they look, hell, even their race, all of them just, don’t interest me, especially the ones that hit me up thro dating apps, sure I would go “hmm he looks handsome” and I’d hit him up with a “hey” but after a bit of convo the feeling would just….disappear, (note: same goes to irl ones) I would just get uninterested in him, and it bothers me as at this point, I would really love to date someone, i mean, I’m nearly hitting 20, and I think It would be a good time to start dating again. Is there something wrong with me? Or is it something I’m just not seeing, thoughts and advice?

Ps: if what I’m asking isn’t related to this sub please inform me so I could delete it and post it into the right sub, as I’m not entirely sure IF this post even fits this one, thanks!

  1. How do you feel towards girls? Do you feel attracted to them or ever thought about dating one? If not, I’d just give it time and focus on yourself for a bit, maybe your mind and heart just isn’t there yet and will change later when the right guy comes along.

  2. Dating nowadays isn’t as fulfilling, everyone is in their own world. There’s nothing wrong with you, not being able to connect with anyone is common.
    I’m going through this as well, I stopped using dating apps because it was just a dead end every time. Go at your own pace.

  3. That’s how I am with other women, I was genuinely bisexual at one point, I dated a woman pretty seriously last year, but over the course of the year it just… dried up. I’d look at her and think “She’s so beautiful” but could barely bring myself to kiss her! I wasn’t like that when we started

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