My boyfriend (21) gets mad at me (21) when I go to the bar with my girlfriends. We have been together for a little over a year and I have noticed any time my girlfriends invite me out to go to the bar my boyfriend starts an argument.
Sometimes I invite him to come with us, but other times if it’s just girls I don’t invite him or I want it to be just the girls for the night. This is not something that happens super often but maybe once every 3 to 4 weeks. Some of my other friends have boyfriends too and they don’t seem to have an issue at all, but I feel like I am always in trouble if I go. He tells me that bars are dangerous for people in a relationship and the purpose is for single people to go to meet other single people. When I go to a bar with my girlfriends we sing and dance and have a good time and we aren’t there to talk to other guys. I wish he would understand and trust me, but I feel like this is becoming a revolving conflict in our relationship. I’m not sure what to do because I am young and I want to go out with my friends sometimes but I also don’t want to loose him.

  1. Actually, losing thug guy would be the BEST thing for you! This is super controlling behavior, and is VERY often a precursor to abuse. First, they isolate you from your friends, so when the abusive behavior REALLY takes off you don’t have a support system to go to for help. It is NORMAL and HEALTHY to spend some time socializing apart. Bars are only “dangerous” for people in relationships if they aren’t committed to their partner. 🙄

  2. He might be projecting. If someone flirts or cheats then they can be insecure and presume their partner does the same. He doesn’t trust you, are you sure you can trust him?
    (Get regular STI testing.)

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