(24f) I’m starting to get into anal sex. I read and have also been told that cleaning/douching too often can result in an imbalance of good bacteria hence cause infections, irritation…(etc).

Has anyone had an issue with cleaning too often prior to having anal sex?

  1. I’ve never known an issue, but I’ve also never been with someone with enough free time to be having that kind of anal more often than weekends.

  2. I douche usually before anal sex, so I’d say maybe once every 2 weeks or so.

    If your looking to have anal sex often ( ie daily) it’s MUCH better to get on a good fiber regiment. psyllium husk is the most commonly suggested one, take it morning and night and that will keep you very regular and keep things quite clean down there. If you don’t need to go to the bathroom, your pretty much good to go for anal.

  3. MY wife and I have done anal play on one another for 30 years. Not one time have we ever used an enema, anal douche, etc. It’s absolutely unnecessary.

    Eat high fiber, poop ahead of time. If the toilet paper is clean or almost clean on the first wipe, you are good. Sit on the toilet, lube up a finger (spit it fine), check to make sure you are empty. Sounds gross, but works great.

    Many people find that enemas actually make things worse, as they can trigger the runs.

  4. Good diet, paying attention to bowel movements, and a bidet works wonders for my partner. No bidet required, if it’s a bad day for me to play with her ass she lets me know. Bad days are rare

  5. Pretty much never. Just take extra fiber and eat pretty healthy and it’s minimal mess. I’ll douche if I’m gonna be with another couple and anal might happen, but that’s once in a blue moon.

  6. The good bacteria are up in your colon, not down in your rectum. Digestion occurs in the colon, not in the rectum. The rectum is just a very temporary holding tank for you poo, so you don’t just leak poo all the time. So as long as you’re only doing a rectal douche, not an enema that gets up into the colon, there’s no worry about disrupting your bacterial balance.

    Douching can be irritating though. It’s best to use a saline solution matched to blood salinity. (I only do anal maybe once a month so I don’t bother with that part). And of course, make sure the water is body temperature. Use a little lube on the syringe, and you shouldn’t have any troubles.

    Most importantly, be conscious of your bowels. Learn your elimination schedule, pay attention to the consistency of your poo. If I can take a big, easy, solid but not hard poop and then do a quick douche, it’s a good day for anal. But if there’s any hint of looser poo coming, it’s not a good day for anal.

  7. I focus primarily on my diet. I take fiber pills. Solid clean poops. I’m only on the toilet to play with my phone really these days.

    However, sometimes the diet doesn’t go so hot and I know I need to clean. Or I know I want to spend a lot of time back there. Or be really dirty and do ass to mouth. Then, I will do a quick douching. I think daily enemas would be the real danger of messing with the gut biome.

    Never had an issue douching, other than when my diet hadn’t been the best. It stimulated more to come out from my colon, and some days it’s hopeless back there. Sometimes that’s how it goes

  8. I do a quick rinse with lukewarm water in one of those rubber bulbs about an hour or so before, mostly for my peace of mind, never had any problems.

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