What’s the dumbest thing you have ever done for a woman?

  1. I read *The Celestine Prophecy* because she said it was her favorite book.

    It poisoned my brain. By the time I finished the last word, I had lost 25 IQ points forever.

  2. I wrote a love letter to her because I was in love with her and I thought being in romantic relationship would make her happy too (otherwise I wouldn’t give her a love letter) which risked our good friendship. she rejected it but stayed as close friends which it was like nothing happened. I was so okay about she rejected me but she felt bad rejecting me therefore eventually she lied she actually loved me and then because she lied because of it I rejected her and watched her go away from our meeting place and she never returned

  3. Borrow her money early into relationship. That way I couldn’t easily just block / dump her.

  4. Not me, but a friend of mine tried to Make a girl (who was and still is taken) he liked, like him by sending her the lyrics of Ed Sheerans perfect.

  5. One of her friends told me in high school that she said she wouldn’t mind ending up getting married to me so the dumbest thing I did? I waited and waited and waited, rejected other girls, didn’t date, and didn’t try to move on. Years later I brought it up to her and she said she didnt even remember saying that lol so yea.

  6. This was in the days before smartphones, the Internet, everything. It was a long, long time ago, the 20th century.

    A girl I had a crush on was bored at work and randomly called me. She worked evenings for a call center, basically giving out directions or store hours or paging the person on call for emergencies, whatever. No one had called all night and she had nothing to do.

    It was the greatest moment of my life! She could have called anyone in the world, but she called me. Me!

    Now I wonder how many other people she called who weren’t home until she finally thought “well hell… I bet that dork is sitting home alone right now.”

    So she called me and we chatted and I was on fire! We were talking, we were laughing, we were clicking, we were connecting!

    Every once in awhile there’d be a *click click*, another call coming in, and she’d put me on hold for a minute. There wasn’t any hold music or anything, just dead silence. Then she’d come back and tell me what dumb thing the person wanted or how rude the caller was or how someone needed mall security because they couldn’t find their car in the parking lot (a regular occurrence).

    So we’re talking again and then, *click click*, she put me on hold and… instead of it being a minute, it’s two minutes… three minutes… five minutes… and I’m holding… the phone is getting sweaty against my ear… but there’s no dial tone. It’s just as it was before, just silent.

    I’m not hanging up! I don’t have her work number — I didn’t have caller ID on my phone, it was a corded land line with push buttons and everything — so I’m going to wait.

    And I wait… and I wait… call waiting beeps, I ignore it… I have to pee, I put the phone down, run to the bathroom, run back, pick it up and listen… yay, still no dial tone! Just silence!

    I’m not joking I had that phone against my ear for at least 30 minutes. Finally I gave up and sat by the phone hoping she’d call back, but she didn’t.

    Well, you all guessed what happened I’m sure.

    I saw her again days later and I said something like, “wow, that last call must have been a doozy!” and she said “huh?” and then she said “oh, the call dropped, I tried calling you back, but you didn’t pick up.”

    Yeah… and now I was in the uncomfortable position of either telling her the truth, that I sat there like an idiot with the phone pressed against my ear for half an hour, or lie and say that I had hung up and wasn’t there to answer the phone.

    So I lied. I said “oh, my friend came over, and I had to jet,” which even at the time wasn’t the cool way to say I had to leave.

    And… apparently she was never bored enough at work to call me again.

  7. We agreed to play tennis together. I waited 1.5 hours for her to show up to tennis. In her defense, she did show up eventually but I felt like a dumbass the entire time that I was waiting.

  8. Learned her language. Only for us to break up. Now I gotta find another chick to speak the same language or it was a waste.


    The dumbest thing I ever did for a girl was try to show her how “assertive” I am only to look so needy and possessive.

    I met a girl online years ago and she was late to our first date. She mentioned she liked how I called her out on it without being a douche. I was being nice but assertive.

    So a couple months later, she mentioned there’s this vlogger she follows on YouTube she wanted to get to know, i immediately told her “ok I see where we stand”. Thinking this was gonna make me sound so assertive.

    Nah. It was clear I was being jealous when we weren’t even a thing and it drove her away. I then kept digging myself deeper into that hole all to prove how “assertive” I am.

  9. Lesbian here, I knew a girl who was the only girl I knew our age that wore makeup and talked about it and all the time and told me all the tips she knew that her older sister taught her. So, what did I do, started wearing makeup and I pointing it out her every time I wore it so she would like me, I also told her I liked the things she did so we would have more to talk about, I once lent her my jacket because she was cold (so was I) she had it for all of five minutes before I saw her handing it to another girl and said girl making fun of it, I grabbed it back and gave it back to the girl.

  10. I bought her and her friends snacks when that specific money was meant for textbooks. (This was back in Highschool.)

  11. Flew out to see her. I saved up all sumer to spend a weekend in her town. When I arrived, she ditched me in my hotel room with no ride (this was before uber) and broke up with me via text.

  12. Someone I has a major crush on moved to a major city to live.

    She lived at her aunts place so she could not really use the home phone. This was before mobile phones.

    So she would call me once a week from the public phone box outside the house and give me phone details of that box and I would call the operator to get them to connect us.

    Done it for many many months

  13. Made myself think that due to my past trauma and relationships that I couldn’t trust my own intuition. Instead , bought her flowers . She cheated on me . Still with her.

  14. Be there for her while she wasn’t there for you. To be young again…. You learn though 😉

  15. Attempted to take the heat when she got busted selling weed out of her dorm room. I was declared persona non grata from the campus, she was expelled, and I was arrested on a warrant a week later.

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