I don’t know how people actually get the person they’re attracted to, or the person they’re pursuing.

I think I’m fairly attractive, I have a decent career, hobbies, good sense of humor… But it seems like almost nobody l’m interested in is able to reciprocate those feelings.

So many people my age have hooked up so easily with people they’re (at least a little) attracted to. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Maybe I’m just not attracted to most people, and when it happens, the odds are slim…

But I see people I’ve tried pursuing dating other people, and I think, “oh so that guy is somehow attractive, and they just didn’t even consider me seriously.”

Not sure if even have any energy left to pursue anyone, or to date, or hook up, whatever. It has always ended with them leaving me.

Maybe I’m not even as desirable as think am or maybe there’s something wrong with me…
Maybe I’m too soft, I’m not “edgy” enough or something.

I have no idea.

  1. I am not sure but all I can say that sometimes being attractive and looking good isn’t the only thing that makes somebody fall for another person. Maybe be pursue the ones who show their interested in you first. Don’t start doubting yourself just because nobody reciprocates. You are attractive, and desirable. Just be a little patient, I know it sucks but you’ll find your special person. It just means that they’re rare, like a Diamond in the rough.

  2. Lol I feel you on that one. I’m 31 and have only been in 2 relationships that weren’t any good and frankly I don’t see any potential around me. Lol oh well I guess I’m waiting to strike gold. Lol

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