I obsess over them to the point where I copy their mannerisms and style. I didn’t used to be this way though. I used to have my own personality with my own style but now I feel too anxious to reveal that to anyone. I got made fun of for my own personality so i’m stealing my friends basically. I just take all my fav traits of all my friends and mash them together. When i’m going out with certain friends I make sure to dress in their style so that we can have something we relate on and they can like me. I’m just constantly mirroring the people around me. I feel like this is getting me no where and I want to learn to be myself again though… idk what to do

1 comment
  1. Hi, I have the same problem lol. What I’ve learned is that becoming your surroundings is inevitable. But you can try spending more time with yourself to reconnect with who are.

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