I, (20f) am going to try anal with my boyfriend. He’s quite large and I’m scared. I’ve done it once before but didn’t love it. Tips for hygiene, making it feel good, etc?

  1. Trans girl here. I’m an anal queen. If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, ahem* empty yourself, wash with soap and water, enema, and a butt plug.✌️but it’s okay if it isn’t your thing, I personally love it.

  2. As a straight guy into pegging. Here are my tips.

    Go slow.

    Clean very well. Shave even.

    Make sure you are cleared out to be the best of your abilities. There is a diet you can look up for anal.

    With anal lube is like firewood. If you think you have enough double it.

    If it hurts a lot stop. It may hurt a little at the beginning and that is normal. But you should stretch after a while.

    If you aren’t feeling it just stop. Don’t force yourself.

    If you have any toys practice on yourself first. Got me better at it quickly.

    Good luck and be safe.

  3. The anus is a muscle that can relax. Build up to it with lots of lube and fingers, his tongue, etc. If you have toys you could use those too, that way it won’t hurt nearly as much when he puts it in.

    For hygiene you can use enemas and shower ahead of time and make sure to wash the area (especially if they’re using their tongue there). Flushing out the anus with water can make you squeaky clean, which helps eliminate the chance of unwelcome visitors during anal

  4. First first is cleaning down there so use enema or water house inside after that all done try sticjra finger see if it hurts because you’ll have to train yourself before even considering putting a penis down there and after fingers use butt plugs to ease it down there and don’t forget to use lube

  5. My contribution every time anal prep comes up is to remind people to get regular before doing any anal. All of the preparation in the world won’t matter if you already gave your sphincter a workout on the toilet–the booty will be inflamed and irritated, and anything going inside will not be welcomed.

    On that note: some days won’t be good “anal days”. It happens. Especially while you’re learning.

    Another thing it sounds like you need to prep is your mind. If you do anal for someone else, you’ll probably get through it, but you won’t enjoy it. If you want to enjoy it and don’t mind reading, I’d recommend looking up something in the anal category on the website literotica. You have find the appeal in it yourself–the submission of it, the naughtiness of it, the taboo–people do it for a lot of reasons. But if you can’t even get off to the *idea* of it, it’s unlikely you’ll like the act of it.

  6. Hygiene: Don’t eat ANYTHING before the event. You want to be a little hungry. You should also wash your ass like normal except shove a finger up there to fish out any small bits that may be lingering from your last bowel movement. Ennemas are better for this though but its understandable if you don’t have the means to squirt water into your ass

    Feeling good. Lubricant. Water based lubes might be the way to go since you could have a reaction depending on the ingredients. You also want to do some foreplay and play with it so you can relax and open up some.

  7. Use a douche, then shower and shave.
    Get him to eat your ass so you relax and open up gently, since it’s your boyfriend you (probably) don’t need a condom, so you have the option to use oils, almond oil is non toxic and does a great job.
    Take it slow and be in control, not him. Communication is absolutely key.
    Clit stimulation can also help dont be tense.

    Just to note almond oil can break down condoms I think

  8. Here are couple of things I feel very helpful for beginners, as I am, and I’ve been studying(?) myself to find out the most comfortable way.

    Have a late lunch(1~3pm) the day before and skip the dinner, plan to have anal sex during morning~lunch time the next day.
    Late lunch keeps you going for the rest of the day, and having the sex during early morning-day helps with cleaning as the food is well digested, and it also will prevent you feeling starving. Have some honey tea before sex if you feel very hungry.

    We like to plan like said above, and go for a cute lunch date OR lavish UberEats after the anal as treat for me. And after the anal my partner lets me boss around a little as they understand restricting my eating & cleaning my ass takes up a lot of energy.

    For cleaning- I personally prefer to have it squeaky clean so I do enema using both laxative & douche. We only do it once 1~2 month, as I don’t want to be using laxative too often for health reason.
    After laxative has activated my bowel movement I use warm(not hot) water to douche, fill up 1 bulb and squirt(?) it out straight away. I repeat it for 10~15 times and make sure the water is running clear for consecutive numbers at the end. I put 20~30min gap in between laxative & douching just to allow my bowel to actually finish the movement if that makes sense.

    After douch I have a shower, finger myself a bit to relax myself, and to release any extra water that’s trapped in my bowel. And put up a well-lubed plug to help stretching.

    Most importantly, go slow, be gentle, lots of foreplay including fingering/plug/small dildo to prepare your anal, use lots of lube, be gentle again, keep communicating, and enjoy yourself 🙂
    Hope this helped!!

  9. Experiment with toys and smaller objects first to stretch it out a bit first, it will hurt if you start off with a huge penis

  10. Why go straight to the huge cock? Try something other than a penis first like a finger or tongue. See how it feels. It’s entirely possible for you to enjoy anal pleasure without ever taking a dick in the butt. I’m sure your partner is pretty excited to penetrate you, but you’re in control of what you let inside.

  11. Clean, Lube and Warm-Up.

    Clean: Douching is what most do, look up a guide as there’s two approaches. You’ll most likely want to douche just your rectum. A good diet with lots of fibre helps, avoid foods that you know “don’t agree” with you as well atleast from the day before imo.

    Lube: Use more than you think, especially your first time and you can experiment from there.

    Warm-Up: Start with a finger, then two and then something a little bigger if you have it before going all in. Take your time here. It still might hurt a little for a few seconds, tell your partner to go slow or to even not move while you adjust to his size. The slower he goes the more likely you’ll relax and enjoy it and then yous can ramp things up as you relax. Get him to read up on some advice for giving as well.

    Most importantly, have fun! Anal is great when done right and with care.

  12. 1. If you’re not already playing with toys your boyfriend shouldn’t go back there.

    2. No such thing as too much lube back there but such a thing as too little. Start with small toys and work up to bigger toys.

    3. Diet and fiber pills/supplements can make for easy to no douching before the deed. I like to douche and let my body absorb any water that didn’t come out (30 min- 60min). But I’ve also did the deed right after I was clean.

    4. There’s poop back there. Even if you clean it can and will happen eventually. He should have something to wipe his dick off with.

    5. HE SHOULD NOT go ass to vagina… without cleaning up. Not a lady, but I know enough to tell you that puts you at risk of some bacteria/fungal infections.

  13. I can only give a tip as an “giver”. Get horny, do not start the sex with it. If ure alrdy horny af u will have it wayyy easier to relax and as for my experience to enjoy it too, especially the first cpl o times.

    try to tough ure V while u do it too, can also help to enjoy

  14. Fore play and lots of spit or lube. If it hurts more than a little bit then you need more foreplay. Make sure you have gone to the bathroom that day and don’t ever have anal when yo have not gone to the bathroom unless you want stomach issues and/or a mess

    I shaved my butthole regularly now it’s lasered

    Oh and water based lube only

  15. I find it very easy to lay on the side. When inserted, have a few strokes before changing position.

  16. I see you have gotten good advice already but I want to share what worked for me, also a newby:

    Get a but plug! It makes prep easier and everything better, I have the most basic one and I don’t need anything else, the steel one with a jewel in the base to stop it from going all in and the pointy shape. Don’t wear it for more than 2-3 hours at first, maybe start with 1 hour and keep replying lub.

    Lube is your best friend, use a lot. Is better to use too much than too little, this area doesn’t lube itself.

    It shouldn’t hurt. If it hurts stop, add more lube, start over, whatever you need.

    To make it feel better, I can’t really advice you on this, it’s ok if you don’t like it, you try it and see if you have a better time or maybe it’s not for you. Just be relaxed and open minded but is totally fine to not like it.

    As for the cleaning part, I just poop before everything. If you feel you need more or to make sure everything is clean, you can use a little amount of water and your finger. Enemas and anal showers aren’t recommended by doctors, many people do it anyways but be aware if you do it too often you can end up relying on them to poop. That being said, poop can happen and it’s normal, it’s the poop’s house after all.

  17. Personally I’ve found that the more often I get fucked in my ass, the more I enjoy it. If I don’t get any for like 2 weeks, I’m very tight and uncomfortable. But if I get fucked at least once a week, zero discomfort

  18. It’s hard to say what advice is good for another woman because what I think makes anal enjoyable could be different. But definitely make sure your clean before hand. A nice warm shower and cleaning the back door real well. Don’t eat anything right before sex because eating could upset your stomach or cause movement in your bowels. Then when it comes to sex relaxing is the key. Lots of foreplay helps, have him finger your butt with plenty of lube before he tries to penetrate you with his dick. Then when it comes time for penetration get in a comfortable position and have him go real slow or you could just start on top so you have full control. It typically can hurt or be uncomfortable at first till your relaxed and your hole finally lets him in. Plenty of lube and going slow is the best advice.

    The more you have anal the more you’ll get used to it. I’d a,do recommend butt plugs and using a dildo to practice and get used to anal

  19. All the prep advice is right on! My advice for during is if you find vibrators pleasurable to use one while your partner is starting to go in or during. I found that I tend to relax more and it makes it easier, it also makes me cum instantly so that’s a plus too!

    Good luck on your anal journey! Hope you have fun!

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