My ex boyfriend broke up with me last year. I was still in love and hurting, it was the worst heartbreak of my life. Three months later I found out he passed away in a car accident. It’s been hard to get up ever since. I miss him so much, I cry on a daily basis, I think about him all the time. I feel ashamed because he didn’t want to be with me anymore, he cheated on me and then fell for the other woman and I am still grieving like we were married and I am a widow. To him, I wasn’t the love of his life, to me he was. Please tell me it’s gonna get better.

  1. So sorry to read this – it is heart breaking.

    But I can 100% guarantee that things will get better, it’s a bit of a cliche but time really does heal everything. Try and focus on the good things in life that make you happy, and surround yourself with friends and family for love and support.

  2. I’m so sorry this happened to you, that’s heartbreaking. Take all the time you need, be very gentle with yourself and imagine that somehow you’ll probably wil feel slightly better in a couple of months, and a lot better even further down the road.
    Grieving is really hard and painful and you have to be very patient with yourself.
    Don’t feel embarrassed about him dumping you before he died, that was not your fault. You are totally allowed to grieve the person you loved no matter the state of your relationship at the time. It’s hard because now there isn’t even a scenario for you to think about getting back together, you’ll have to say goodbye to all of those natural break up emotions as well.
    I suggest you listen to some podcasts about grieving and break ups or maybe join a support group there are a lot of people who go through something similar. Big hug for you internet stranger.

  3. Girl, he cheated on you and karma got revenge. Find someone who won’t cheat and leave you for his mistress.

  4. man that sucks… honestly i feel for you because ive had a person who was the love of my life that decided she could do better else where and left me… i was devastated, has she died shortly after i would been even more devastated… but it will get better i assure you. i never thought id get over her… and then i met my wife…. you will heal slowly… take the time it takes… dont rush it. regardless of what he did, you loved him and you deserve time to grieve that love. stay strong

  5. I guess I’m a terrible person because when my ex husband cheated on me, left me for her and started making sex videos for her website in our bedroom I wished he were dead.

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