I try to kiss her and she turns away. We have sex then she gets on her phone afterwards, texting other people. She almost never initiates sex, going out, a kiss, she only hugs me rarely. She was closer to me back when we were friends than now. She responds after a hour when texting her, when I mirror her energy she says I am the cold one. She never posts me on social media (she says she doesn’t want her ex to know she is with me, as he will try to beat me, he is insane and a MMA fighter). I feel used for good company (I make her laugh a lot) and for sex (I am the only partner that cared if she orgasms). She said if we ever were to break up we should remain FWB. I’ve bringed this subject to her (her being cold and secretive about her relationship) and she says I am blowing it out of proportion and that she loves me. Should I break up?

  1. This all sounds like a BS excuse. It seems now you are together she feels too comfortable. Turn the head to a kiss is a very bizarre thing to do. In my opinion this kind of affection denial is somewhat abusive. I believe she’s not that much into you. I’m sorry…

  2. Sit her down and tell her all of this. Tell her that you feel neglected in the relationship and that if something doesn’t change, then it’s over. Then ball is in her court. If she cares, she’ll try, if she doesn’t, onto the next

  3. If your needs are not being meet and your partner isn’t interested in addressing it, then why stay?

  4. U r a placeholder till her and the ex work things out…. send her on her way. When she cries about it bc she will when she realizes shes going to be alone tell her youre not interested in a relationship with someone who obviously isnt in to it.

  5. Why did you even get with her in the first place? Being scared to date someone because she has an psycopathic MMA ex would have been the first and final red flag and I would be out, mate lol Get yourself out of the hole you dug yourself into and have some standards.

  6. You gotta go, bro. She’s not treating you like an equal partner. You’re her placeholder bf until she gets another one, or get backs with the last one. I dated someone like this and it ruined my self esteem.

    You have a lot to bring to a romantic partner, so you need to hold your standards high even if it takes a while to find one. You are not wrong for wanting to feel affection and reciprocation in your relationship. Don’t let her make you think you’re not worthy of her love. These are things I wish I was told when I was deep into it.

    I finally ended it one day. Few years later I met my partner and I have everything I’ve ever wanted in a relationship. Leave now.

  7. If you have talked to her repeatedly about your concerns and your feelings and nothing is changing from her end then just break up. If she asks why tell her you’ve told her your concerns repeatedly. From what you’ve said in your post it sounds more like she’s using you for her comfort and needs while not really concerned with yours.

  8. You aren’t in a relationship with her. She just has you around as like a comfort toy until she gets something better. Respect yourself and walk away, also cut contact.

  9. I think she’s already making you feel like you’re a fwb anyway.

    You have already tried to talk about it and she just dismisses it rather than address the issues. It could be she is just like that but that kind of love isn’t working for you. Don’t stay and waste both her and more importantly your time when you aren’t happy.

  10. Here’s the thing, you’re only 20. This girl obviously doesn’t care about you, and you clearly aren’t happy. You WILL find someone who treats you how you deserve to be treated

  11. >I’ve bringed this subject to her (her being cold and secretive about her relationship) and she says I am blowing it out of proportion and that she loves me. Should I break up?

    You’ve tried to raise legitimate issues and she stonewalled you. She’s trying to say it’s your problem, not hers. That’s not how relationships are supposed to work.

    As yourself what you want and need from a partner and whether your GF provides any of it, at all. You’re only 20, why waste your time on someone who doesn’t seem emotionally invested in the relationship?

  12. >She said if we ever were to break up we should remain FWB.

    Sounds like you already are FWB.

  13. There are several red flags here that are clear signs of your partner having mentally checked out. Not sure why she’s still with you (probably still trying to get another guy, and once she secures him then she will jump off your ship). I have been in a similar situation four years ago, and the lesson I learned is this: Just dump her and cut your losses.

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