i’m a 21 year old female and sex was never an issue for me. i was always well lubricated, in the mood, and never experienced any pain. now all of the sudden – for about 2 years – i NEVER get ANY lubricant (even when i’m turned on) and it’s really painful. it feels like when it goes “deep” – but it’s really not – it feels like it’s hitting a bruise on the inside, if that makes sense. and then there’s the friction because i’m not lubricated. i will be really turned on and i don’t have any medical conditions. i also have ZERO discharge. so i’m not sure why this is happening. it makes me really self conscious and embarrassed and makes me not even want to have sex at all. i’ve been with the same partner for 5 years now and this problem only just started a year or two ago. i’m sure this is not worth mentioning but i do have ADHD and allergic rhinitis. does anyone else experience this and have any advice?

p.s. yes i drink enough water and take vitamins and i’m fairly healthy.

  1. my girlfriend has less natural lubrication with birth control I’ve noticed if that’s what you are on.

    if anything just get a good bottle of lube, just don’t put too much because then the guy won’t be able to get off.

  2. You say you have no medical conditions but close by pointing out you have ADHD…. ADHD is a medical condition….

    Are you on meds for it? If yes, start thinking about the timeline this happened and try to recall if there were any med changes around that time. Then schedule a conversation with your provider(s) for further investigation.

    Adderall has a whole list of possible sexual side effects, including ED, lowered sex drive, and — wait for it — decreased lubrication production in females.

    If you aren’t on meds, well, as a fellow ADHD sufferer ask yourself if the ADHD is pulling you out of the moment. I’ve lost erections in seconds thanks to ADHD, the mind wanders onto something stressful at work/school/whatever, you get pulled out of the moment, and boom, sex is over no matter how much you want to continue. If this is happening to you you might consider going on meds for the ADHD, not just for sex, but also work, school, etc.

    It got bad enough for awhile that I had to start using sildenafil (aka viagra), not because it kept my mind from wandering, but because it would preserve the erection long enough for me to realize my mind was wandering and get back into the moment. Adderall fixed this for me, which was a Godsend (it doesn’t give everyone sexual side effects), but I don’t take it on non-work/school days by my provider’s request, to avoid building up a tolerance, so I still keep some sildenafil on hand just in case.

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