Ps: childlike is used positively unlike childish.

  1. I’d give myself a 6; down for a silly goose time, but can also play adult when it’s called for.

  2. According to my current and past girlfriends – 8+ at least.

    I just like to put my head to her chest to sleep and have a pretty playful and silly sense of humor. Sue me I guess.

  3. idk 2 or 3? Still more than I was as a child lmao. Much less haunted now than I was growing up, so that helps!

    Edit to add: Not saying I’m serious all the time, just not childlike kind of humor or behavior.

  4. 5. My gf calls me a man child in some arguments. Apparently I rely on others for too much

  5. 8

    Because i still can enjoy small things like i used to as a child. I just think the scale changed. As in bigger toys with more electronics etc. If I’d go into a childs room of course I’d pick up the toys, fool around, see how material, color, design changed.

    So much that some woman say i should grow up. Well too bad my heart isn’t out of stone 😂

  6. 2 or 3 normally. Wife, kids, job, property, livestock…. Too many responsibilities to be anything but serious and focused on keeping up with chores.

    But give me a weekend off and definitely a 10 (how does this work, what happens if…, where is this from and how did it get here, can we take it apart and see how it works?).

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