Who has had two periods in one month before ? Is it common?

  1. It’s happened to me with new extreme-ish intermittent fasting approaches, but it’s definitely not normal in a general sense (i.e. normal for some things to cause it, but not for it to happen without cause).

  2. It’s happened to me once. Or rather the bleeding started again 14 days after I thought I was done. I didn’t have any cramps or other period symptoms, so I don’t know if you’d actually consider that a second period. In hindsight I probably should have seen a doctor but I just thought it was my body acting weird and didn’t really think much of it. It’s never happened again after that.

  3. Ugh. I was bleeding every other week for over 5 years. I don’t think it’s very common because my OBGYN had me try every type of birth control except the depo shot (bc it had the same hormones as the Nexplanon), referred me to another specialist, ordered a biopsy, and resulted in hysterectomy.

  4. i used to have a very irregular cycle and this would happen all the time, then i was on birth control for four years, now i’m off and it’s gone back to normal. however it CAN be a sign of an STD. unlikely and there’s multiple other reasons it could happen but i’d get tested if you haven’t just to be safe!

  5. Depends how old you are.
    Young women i.e. teens and young adults, this may be normal.
    It also depends on how often this happens. Just once? Probably no reason to be suspect. More that once or regularly? I would perhaps get it checked out.

  6. My period is late for a week now but I switched my birth control to mini pills…. I didn’t even miss one pill I don’t know why it’s late I’m scared

  7. It has happened to me. I got my second period after 14 days in a month. However, it has never happened again.

    Also, if you have got your period after a 25-28 days then it can be in the same month and is completely normal.

  8. It’s happened once or twice, always when I was unusually stressed out.

    Also in my early 20s I at one point bled continuously for about 3 months straight, not a lot but just always spotting. Doctor was like “meh, idk” and it eventually stopped so.. cool?

  9. every month of my life. One week on one off one on three off like damn clock work for the past 5 years

  10. It happened when I was a teen which is why I started using bc to regulate and have more control over my cycle.

  11. It happens very frequently to me because my cycle is usually 29 days and I usually get my period at the start of the month or at the end of the month rolling into the next.

  12. Me. I used to get it 7-9 days up to 14 days then a week off and back in full force. I haven’t had a period since July now though. My wife and I have no idea why. My dr isn’t concerned so I’m trying to not be. If you ask me, yes it’s common. Very common for me to be bleeding more often than not until lately. And damn cuz, I was a heavy heavy bleeder with severe cramps, modd swings and terrible debilitating back pain

  13. It’s happened to me 3 times; once when I moved across the world, once when I was dumped unexpectedly, and the third when I had covid for the first time. Stress and other factors can make it happen, so it’s not super uncommon.

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