I (F20) am not someone who obsesses over my boyfriends (M21) persona online I know he can be a bit out there and have some controversial ideas, but for the most part we are on the same page about most stuff. Today I got a message request from someone on Facebook telling me and I quote

” Girl come get your man. He’s being a misogynist on the internet again.” she had sent screenshots of his comments on someone else’s post here they are word for word

>” women wearing makeup signifying they are in the realm of manipulation which comes with factors of being unfaithful, never said straight up cheating. It’s the mindset behind the makeup. And if you see your friends getting picked by guys cause they are wearing tighter, come f@ck me clothes doesn’t mean you have to as well, hence the jealously that comes with it.”
>” personally when I was in the dating pool still, and when my buddies are still looking we don’t go for the girls presenting themselves as what they aren’t. Yea makeup and tight clothes is pretty and all but depending where you are at 90% of the time it screams that your either unfaithful in some way, or jealous of other women. Now we all know the answer every girl will give us is that ” were doing it for ourself” but the makeup at the end of the day is a manipulation tool, so is the tight clothes, so when a guy with common sense sees that a girl has made an effort to not wear such ho attire he sees her as worthy”

that was the whole two comments this girl has sent me. I haven’t messaged her back. My mother tells me I’m over reacting and that I shouldn’t be hurt by these comments because you cant see the date that the comment was posted, but its me and him in the profile meaning that he has made these comments in the last 8-6 months. Its embarrassing and saddening to think about when me and him met and started dating a year and half ago. I was wearing “ho attire” I had just gotten out of a relationship that was only made to use me for my body and I was reclaiming myself, becoming confident in myself again. I wear makeup I used it as an outlet during lock down and became pretty decent at it, it was one of those things that kept me going after being alone day after day. I only stopped wearing “ho attire” around him because the people that he lived with made me feel really uncomfortable

I don’t know. I don’t think that I’m overreacting. I haven’t told him that I have been sent these messages what do I do?

I’m sorry for the long post and typing everything out word for word but I didn’t want to twist his words around by accident. I’m scared to go to my friends with this. I’m even more terrified to think this is my reality again.

1 comment
  1. Your boyfriend is young and when they are all that age, they tend to act big online. Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it unless he starts saying that stuff to you in person. Then you can debate or talk to him about it. Otherwise, don’t make a bigger deal out of this. It’s just unwanted drama that isn’t necessary.
    Just because he makes a few comments online that are wild doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. It’s the internet. Take Reddit for example. There are some people on here who say some real out of pocket stuff for no reason. It’s just how the internet is.
    Like I said, if he starts to bring that stuff into your everyday real life conversations, then yeah talk to him about it. But this? This isn’t really worth the effort in making it a big deal.

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