
She has a medical condition (endometriosis), got surgery today.

Next step imply :
– Not having periods ever again
– Taking hormones
– Decrease in sex drive

Any experience with this ?
Any way I could support her ?

She says it’s hard having her feminine attributes removed

  1. Remind her that it’s not her organs that make her feminine.

    It’s every fiber of her being. She is still going to have her genitals, her breasts, her personality and interests.

    Give her a ton of patience to process her grief over losing the organs, even if she is super happy about this or super sure, she might have more intense feelings then she realizes when they are gone.

    And make sure you when she is recovering and after that you guys work together to find ways to help her still feel sexy, her mood and confidence might be all over the place so figure out what helps her, date nights? Maybe a spa treatment?

  2. I had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed in December. While every body is different, I can say my orgasms feel ‘off’ now. They’re not weaker/worse per se, but you might need to exercise patience as she adjusts and not make climax the end goal.

  3. Im f 42, had a supracervical hysterectomy last year. I had endometriosis too and my uterus was literally squashing my left ovary. I still have a cervix and one ovary. I actually found I wanted sex alot more since having the surgery. Trust me, we women love not having a period lol. I dont have to take hormones because I still produce them. It can be depressing for her because, if you do or dont have kids, she can never have another or any kids again naturally. Be patient with her, dont pressure her for sex. Care about how she is feeling and give her what she needs from you. Basically you coming into this thread proves how much you love her and want to help her.

  4. I had a female friend who after her stillborn baby was born, due to a medical situation her organs had to be removed also.

    Emotionally she was too bad, she told me that she feel that her life doesn’t worth anymore, nor as female or person. I spend some afternoons with her and her husband.

    Women who have to have this kind of experience need a lot of emotional support, and u reassure that she is not only her organs, but her personality, her body, her feelings.

    Don’t leave her alone

  5. I think if she has hormonal replacement therapy she should have a normal sex drive.

    It’s a big surgery so be supportive.

    Obviously she will also be infertile and I’m not sure if she wanted kids or more kids but loss of fertility is another aspect.

  6. I had a radical hysterectomy four years ago. Both ovaries and Fallopian tubes removed, plus uterus and creation of an artificial vaginal “wall”. My recovery was about 16 weeks. Hers may very well be shorter.
    That said, she is likely going through a mourning period, so listen, be supportive, and be patient. Plan to do the physical and emotional lifting and carrying for a while, and recognize that she is going to be very tired for a few months while her body heals.
    If she is going to be prescribed hormones, she will likely feel a LOT better physically after she recovers from the procedure.
    It may or may not impact her sex drive, everyone is different.
    Physically, the swelling will go down pretty quickly, and if the surgery is laparoscopic, the scars will be quite small.
    The emotional part is a whole different animal. I am not a doctor, so I can only tell you that when I had my procedure, the surgical team also provided a referral for a psychologist.
    If you think it would help, let her know I’m sending lots of positive energy her way.

  7. Loss of sex drive does not always happen… I had a complete hysterectomy a year ago… And my sex drive has no diminished at all , not even a little bit . Wait and see

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