My (26F) sister ( 31F) is a very interesting person. When we were little she became obsessed with a neighbors farm. She basically lived there and the farmer taught her everything he knew. He died when she was in her early 20s and she bought the farm from his family.

She married a very odd guy ( 34) they met when she was 22. He is a lot like her but obsesses over conspiracies like all of them. He is a welder. They both have a very hippie vibe. Both are very obsessed about where their food comes from and neither will eat anything that didn’t come from their farm. They are also very particular about health.

Anyway my sister has a loyal following of people who will only buy from her. She is good at what she does. She makes fantastic wines from all of the fruit she grows ( she has tons of fruit trees). During growing season she has a constant supply of customers buying fruit or eggs or wine. She also makes like a lot of canned foods and candies and butters as well as soaps and random like blankets and sewed stuff. Think Amish/ Mennonite stand, she does a lot of stuff like that. Which is fine I mean she obviously does well for herself.

However I think she is a little too obsessive and kinda kookoo. Her husband has her absolutely convinced that the governments are trying to control everything and that the world is about to come crashing down. She’s convinced we will all have to survive without any access to anything soon. Some of the stuff she has told me is wild. She is obsessive about what goes into her body and will not eat anything or drink anything that she didn’t make herself. She is obsessed with being self sufficient and off grid. She is obsessed with books, and I’m talking ancient books, anything and everything she can get her hands on about old farming techniques. Also she buys every book the medical college has. She just has tons of books and she keeps them in a room under lock and key. She can tell me what is on every single page too. She has read all of them.

Anyway I think she is getting way too obsessive and is pretty far removed from reality. However she seems happy so everyone in the family just told me to leave her alone and let her be. She’s fine.

Idk if she is though.

Tdlr- my sister has become obsessed with all of the conspiracies and I’m worried about it but my family just said to leave her alone, she is fine. Idk if she is though.

  1. You need to let this go. Yeah, your sister sounds a little odd. But she also appears to be a fully functioning adult who is happy with her life. If she isn’t harming herself or others, there’s no reason or justification to intervene. If this isn’t a scene you want to be around, fine, but you shouldn’t try to impose your version of a normal life on her.

  2. I am not sure what your issue is? It does sound, more of a You Thing. Listen to your family and your sister is fine leave her alone .

  3. Whose to say that she’s wrong or right? I do understand how a loved one’s different way of thinking and living could cause one to be taken aback. I wouldn’t worry. It’s likely that the reality of the world is somewhere in between her extreme and whatever “normal” is.

  4. Can I be friends with your sister? Being able to remember every page of a book is a superpower.

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