So, i’ve been talking to this girl online for about 4 months now going to 5 and i really like her for some reason she knows this but hasn’t really told me anything about being into me. i think 2 months in she told me there’s potential after i asked her but she’s going through some things. I think a thing with me is that i tend to like girls alot when we aren’t even on dating levels but i can’t really help it somethings wrong with me lol. I knew this when i was 13 so i’ve really stayed away from girls since then as it can hurt when the energy isn’t reciprocated. I first saw her online and something told me i just had to message her and even till now after how i feel about this hands down the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, though i know i shouldn’t get so lost in looks i really do find this girl beautiful. she’s 21 and i’m 19. Though there’s a catch. She’s from a completely different country. I dm’d her around november time and since then we literally text/call everyday i also made it clear and she knows i’ve been trying to pursue her . I wouldn’t call it one sided really either, when i don’t call or text her one day she’ll often call me and probably calls me more than i do her lol. I told her that after awhile i would want to meet her if she’s up for it not even for sex but just to see how she is because i honestly want her to be my girlfriend and dont want to rush anything and she seemed up for it. so we talk and i just do the best things i can to make sure she’s happy even though she’s several miles away, like things that girls like. Ive ordered her flowers afew times payed for her nails, her photoshoot shes going to have and tried to treat her abit on valentine’s day. I’m a big energy and vibes guy and have really good instincts so i can tell really easy when i feel like i’m bothering someone or if they show signs that they are not really into me. Like our phone calls can sometimes go really quiet after like an hour or 2 sometimes earlier and it’s hard sometimes to keep the convo going which confused me cause she calls me a quite a lot not as much as before tho. i think that the fact we haven’t met in person also is a barrier as me personally you can really see my personality irl and ive been told that i’m a charismatic guy with good humour( not to brag) she only really seemed more interested after i got her something like the flowers etc. and when we are talking, just normally, i try and ask her questions that would bring her personality out and try and pick out things to talk about from there but even doing this could be hard at times although now ik her interests it’s not as bad but still can feel forced at times. She’s shown me some interest at times tho, She sent me jumper for valentine’s day and we also have this matching bracelet and a bottle of sand from her holiday (this was separate) which i think is pretty sweet although i’m not sure she wears it as much as i do i literally haven’t taken it off since i got it. i think i’ve mentioned meeting her about 3 times the last one being today but i still haven’t responded to what she said. when i do she kind of brushes it off, and when it comes to us meeting i’m only really the one who mentions it. i told her today that she means alot to me and that i feel like we should arrange to meet each other soon, preferably in the summer afew more months away. she responded ‘yeaa….sure just lmk’. that really hurt cause i told her from the start i don’t like making people do things they don’t wanna do so if don’t want to.. just say❤️ and from that repsonse i knew maybe this isn’t it. Even before, cause we literally text everyday i said if it’s something that’s annoying her just lmk and it doesn’t have to be everyday and she said that it was fine. she said a couple hours later that she might be here over the summer for something else and if she is she’ll see me but she isn’t sure the date and if she’ll actually be going. she just doesn’t seem too interested, so i replied that if she just wants to stay as online friends we can and that i really don’t mind although i was pretty gutted. you can tell when a girl is feeling you and i’m pretty sure this isn’t it lol. she said ‘ i mean you can plan it’ what does this mean? should i really? also she replied about 3hrs later. She’ll send me cute photos of her or her outfit etc stuff like that and i don’t even ask and she likes when i say sweet things to her she’ll often show me abit of likeness then but apart from that i’m not too sure. what do i do? i REALLY like her, i’ve even spoken to her mum, not that that’s important but where i’m from you don’t just let anyone talk to your mother and let them know you are interested in them lol.

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