I’ve been working with my co-worker for the past month and I have the strangest feelings about our work relationship. Normally I work alone, very detached from other people, so this is very different for me, especially since she is extremely extraverted. Most of my interactions end with people leaving me alone to do whatever I need to do, but I’m with my co-worker 8 hours a day everyday.

The part that makes me feel really conflicted is that since she’s more extroverted, she’s usually making an effort to try to engage me in conversation. And she actually likes working with me. We both take our jobs seriously and there is synergy between us. I feel rather indifferent about working together, but I suppose deep down I do enjoy working with her as well, and I do like her as a person. Because of that, I can’t stop thinking about how I’m coming across to her throughout the day. In the past, I’ve dealt with assumptions from other people that I dislike them, which wasn’t true at all. I don’t really get the feeling that my co-worker thinks I dislike her, but our relationship is oddly disconnected. On one hand, we discovered that we have quite a few things in common, she’s usually making a joke or asking me a typically surface level personal question or remarking her frustrations with the other staff to me, but on the other hand we hardly acknowledge each other outside of our work, we leave without saying goodbye, there’s nothing there when we pass each other and more understandably, we won’t talk to each other much at all while we work (Talking causes me to make mistakes and she probably doesn’t want to break her focus).

I feel like I’m making things awkward, but I don’t always know what to say to her or if I should say something to her. I’m not sure which of our conversations are supposed to last longer or be more brief. And I keep thinking of things I could’ve said to keep things going. I don’t even know if she just tries to talk to me just to fill the dead air or if she is genuinely trying to get me to warm up to her. I feel even worse about this considering that she’s really trying to chip away at the ice, so to speak, but isn’t getting enough in return. I’m really not used to anyone having this much patience with me, since most people will give up almost immediately. But what are other people normally thinking in a situation like this with someone like me? Is it frustrating?

  1. Can completely relate. Similar sorta thing at my job, ppl thinking i dislike someone when its the oppisite. Tbf i dont come around super warm but i dont really care much these days, ive accepted what i am. My advice woulf be to not worry to much cause itll happen with time youll have opportuinity to show your likeness. As for saying hell and bye, everyone at my work does its shows a bit of thought, i lile it anyway. Good fortune mate

  2. Sounds to me like you appreciate her companionship in some way, hence why you are concerned about her perception of you, because you want to maintain that companionship. Perhaps something to ponder: are you content with the level of connection the two of you have? You never know, she could enjoy working with a fellow hard worker who is chill and doesn’t need to talk too much. Or, do you feel called to bring more to the social table because you want to? Maybe she’s just as happy to get to know you more.

    You only have to give as much as you’re comfortable with, and if she vibes with that, then it’s a positive acquaintance in my eyes.

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