Do we go to heaven or is it the end

  1. The only way to find out is to taste some of my poo first, only then can you know.

  2. You wake up from a dream where you died. Or maybe you are reborn as some other life form. Who knows?

  3. Try to remember how you felt during all those billions of years before you were born. You can ALMOST picture it right?

    I think it’s kinda like that.

  4. Due to a memory I have, I believe in reincarnation. Obviously, I can’t prove this but it’s something I believe.

    The way I remember/imagine it, we go to a place that serves as an “in-between” location or sphere. It’s neither heaven nor hell, it’s more like an airport where you’ve got a layover. In that place, there are of course countless people (souls?), a few of which we know. However, this “knowledge” works a little differently than in Christian mythology/imagination. For example in my version, you won’t meet “your parents” again. You don’t see these spirits that look like your parents. You MIGHT meet the spirits/souls of your parents but they will neither look nor act like your parents look/act now. To your current, earthly persona, those souls would feel alien but once you’re there, they will feel familiar. Likewise, you won’t be the same as you are now. Your earthly persona is like a movie role that you’re playing (without realizing it). Of course sometimes an actor shares some things in common with the character he plays but they’re never the same.

    Also, I believe that you can re-encounter the same spirit/soul in different roles/functions throughout your various lives. For example the soul who is now your dad may have been your best friend in your previous life. Many souls you will only encounter once or twice but I believe there are core “cliques” of souls like how some actors have played together in many movies (i.e. Tom Hanks and Leonardo diCaprio). These bonds may start out very weak but over the course of many lifetimes, they may get much stronger. So, at first you might encounter a soul who is your cleaning lady or the librarian at a library you frequent. In your next life this soul may be a school bully. In a way, that’s already closer/more impactful although it’s negative. In the life after that it might be a loyal customer at your business. After that maybe a cherished teacher. And so on.

    I believe there is a strong (and somewhat opaque) hierarchy in that in-between place. The souls who go from one life to next are on the lowest latter of that hierarchy. There are higher-ups but I’m not sure what they do.

    Generally, you are assigned your next life. You can make some requests like where you’d like to be born, what sex you’d like to be born at, important life events etc. and if you’re lucky, a few of your requests may be granted but overall, it’s not up to you. I think the fundamental point of these different lives is to learn different lessons. Every life is meant to teach you one important wisdom, skill or lesson.

    Sometimes people/souls will fail to learn their lesson or they will even hamper the system by refusing to grow or terminating their life prematurely. If this happens, the “higher-ups” will employ different strategies to ensure that person/soul obeys the system and continues to grow/learn. These strategies can range from very soft (i.e. praise and encouragement) to very harsh (threats of eternal torment and agony as punishment).

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