I love having an innie and usually get compliments on it, but being told recently by an on and off again FWB that I have Homer Simpson lips ruined it a bit for me and I still scowl when I think about that comment. What should I have said in response to him?

  1. You should have told him that he doesn’t get to enjoy them anymore and cut his dumb ass off.

  2. What a juvenile, stupid fucking thing to say.

    No need to say anything aside from maybe it won’t be his problem anymore.

    Absolutely no human being worth fucking would ever insult their partner’s genitals.

  3. This is a quote from a comedian talking about her own pussy (not sure if she was quoting someone else or if she’s the source). He was probably trying to be funny but picked a stupid risky joke he heard. What you do is up to you, I just remember hearing that before and maybe he thought that makes it okay/funny to say.

  4. `I love having an innie and usually get compliments on it`

    lmao. Thanks to this man for bringing you back down to reality, I guess.

    You don’t have the better end of the stick. Not everyones preference is to have no inner lip visible.

  5. Lmao. Lighten up. My partner and I were laying down naked the other week, and I looked down at myself and said ‘hey look, I kinda look like homer Simpson down there!’ And i pretended to talk with them, then we both laughed and laughed, and it was a good moment.

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