I 28 M have a crush on a 29 F girl in uni. She acts very nervous around me and can’t look me in thr eye. Whenever we greet each other and leave the class she sometimes lingers her eye contact and smiles. The eye contact lingers sometimes and it is too intense that I break eye contact first eventhough I am confident  person. 

I added her on facebook and I asked her out. She told me that she judt started seeing someone. I ignored her and started minding my own business. At first she ignored me but then she started opening up to me even more than it she used to be and the prolonged flirty eye contact is  back again. 

I sent her text today saying happy easter. She saw the message but she ignored it. 

TL :DR Why she is acting like this. The prolonged eye contact she gave me is definitely an eye contact of an interested person and she never look at other guys like that. What should I do? Is she interested? 

Note: she knows that I just broke up with my 5 years girlfriend a month ago.

  1. > The prolonged eye contact she gave me is definitely an eye contact of an interested person

    She’s already told you she isn’t interested and that she’s seeing someone else. Tryng to convince yourself otherwise is a total waste of your time.

  2. It’s ok to tell a girl to fuck off. She’s seeing someone and giving you the flirty eyes? She doesn’t know WHAT she wants….stay far away from that drama.

  3. As i’ve learned, start interpeting mixed signals as a hard no. This single sentence will save you years

  4. Do you have any indicator of interest beyond eye contact? Because eye contact on its own isn’t enough to indicate interest. Any meaning in the eye contact is something you are interpreting, not a clear sign from her.

    You have to look at the full evidence you’re being presented with, not just the evidence favorable to your case. She’s not talking to you and said she’s dating someone else, but has made eye contact? The not talking to you part outweighs the eye contact part, as does the “I’m seeing someone” part.

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