Let’s call her Quincy.

I met her 7 years ago, we worked together for several years and became good friends. Since then, over the countless events, parties, dinners, drinks, chats etc we’ve become very close friends. During all those years we were also in our own relationships….Quincy maybe 2 different people. And I was in a very long term that just ended a few months ago. We’re very close, but never anything romantic between us. And definitely didn’t effect our own relationships in any way. Just friends who share similar professional / creative interests. But we are both single now.

This fall we started to see more of each other, not by design, but when we met up things felt different than before. Maybe closer? Maybe flirty? Definitely more intimate feeling than ever before. We went to an impromptu concert, she dressed up (she looked amazing) we had dinner. She came to my birthday party, didn’t know a soul there, fun was had.

Then, one morning I get a call she’d been in a car accident and wanted me to meet her at the ER! Luckily she was fine, just shaken up. But my heart dropped that morning. I rushed out of my house to meet her. We spent the whole day together, breakfast, a movie, some food and drinks. It was a day I’ll never forget. At the end of the day I told her truly how terrified I was that morning and I wanted her to know how much I cared for her, loved her (it was more friendly in theme) but I definitely also looked her dead in the eyes and said “I adore you” and I meant it. I don’t know what I was doing here but it had to be said. We hugged for a long time and went home.

Fast cut to the next night, she invites me to a friends Xmas party, we have a great time, she invites me to a friends after party, I didn’t know a soul there, we also had great time. We share a car home and I curse myself for not making a move that night. But I’m so torn. I feel I’m either blowing it or just saved blowing up a friendship. We both leave home for the holidays, text each other throughout the trip (a new thing) and now I absolutely can’t stop thinking about her. I even change my return flight home to go to her NYE dinner party. It was a blast, long night of partying, and at the end I say “Quincy I want to take you on a proper date this week” and she said yes, or ok,I don’t remember exactly but she agreed.

I spent two days stressed as hell. I have no idea what I’m doing, is this a terrible idea, expecting a message any moment telling me she changed her mind. But she she didn’t and we met up that evening. I’ve never been nervous around her until now! But we have a lovely time, it feels just like the hundred other times we’ve been out for dinner and drinks—only now it has a different, official label: “date”.

The highlight was when we both just wanted to discuss the elephant in the room, the fact that we were on a date together. I loved this. It was funny, frank, and kind of cathartic stress relief. I told her how I was now feeling, and she told me she wasn’t going to kiss me yet but she wanted to go on another date. It was very funny and quirky. I loved it. She said she thinks it could either complicate our friendship or get serious very quickly. And she that she didn’t know . I agree and add “if I don’t try I know I’ll regret this forever”. And I mean it. She could have said no to the date. She could have said I don’t see you that way (and she might still yet) but she didn’t. Also she used the phrase “if we start dating…” quite a bit.

I walked her home and said I wanted to do something we never have done for a next date, cook dinner for her. She agreed. We made a loose plan for next week.

The following day I sent her a text with some music we were talking about. She didn’t reply… The whole “had a great time last night” thing doesn’t really quite make sense here. I thought there might be some exchange today but no.

right now I’m 100 percent expecting her to have a change of heart and call it off. Tell me she doesn’t see me that way. That she doesn’t want to ruin a friendship. And I get it, I’m prepared for it but I just don’t know. I don’t believe that. There is something here and I want to go on some dates and find out. I’m stressed to hell thinking about this. I don’t know what to do or think.

But I do know exactly how I feel about her. She’s the best. You might think you know the best, but you are mistaken. One of the most incredible women I’ve ever met in my life, beautiful, sexy, kind, funny, odd, charming, honest, ambitious, inspiring, best style, best laugh, best smile, best eyes, best voice. There is no one like her.

And I know exactly what I’m making Quincy for dinner….

Help me out Reddit.

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