Do any couples use a magic wand during sex? I think it works well on my girlfriend but she gets overly sensitive to it and then has to tap out. She can get close to orgasm and then it escapes her. How can we overcome this?

For reference, we primarily use this when shes on top. please let us know of any tips and advice so I can help my girlfriend cum during sex. she’s 24 and I’m 26

  1. Most AFABs need more than one kind of stimulation, so if you’re just using the wand, it might not be enough.

    Also, be patient with it. The point of sex shouldn’t be orgasms; it should be connecting with your partner and learning each other’s bodies and what makes them feel good. Be patient. Play. Experiment. And above all, make sure you create a space both in and out of “the bedroom” where she feels comfortable giving you guidance.

  2. The magic wand is an incredibly strong stimulant. It makes sense that she would get overstimulated. I would suggest going slower with it, teasing her with it first. If you just shove it against her clit and leave it there for too long, I can definitely see that being hot for a minute but quickly becoming “too much.”

    Take your time with it. Try having her lay on her back and just using the vibrator instead of trying to use it while you’re mid-coitus. Use the lower vibration settings. Try moving it slowly across her labia and clit. Tease her with it by lightly pressing it against her, then stopping, then repeating.

    Let the orgasm build up over time, and DON’T RUSH HER. Putting pressure on her to orgasm will be counterproductive.

  3. My wife wands best in doggie and doesn’t put it directly on the clit but off to the side. Works best for us that way.

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