I moved in to my apartment September 23 and had zero issues the first 2 months I lived here. Shortly after I woke up this morning my neighbor turned on his radio as loud as it would go and proceeded to leave and go to work with it blasting so loud you could hear every word in the apartment on the opposite side of me. I work from home as an insurance agent so this was disruptive to my job. After 4 hours of this blasting I resorted to texting my landlady. My message was clear and polite and I was completely blown away at her response. She implied that I was being immature for requesting the radio be turned off and that this was some kind of reasonable response since he had complained several times about me having loud sex, playing the radio loudly and smoking in my apartment. She stated that “he has banged on the wall several times to no avail.” The reality is that on Nov 30 I was having normal-to-quiet sex when suddenly he POUNDED on the wall, all it would have taken was a little knock and I would have stopped but he went straight to cop knocking, we immediately moved to the front room and finished our business as quietly as we could. I had a laugh about the situation and planned to buy him an apology gift because I’ve never been a bad neighbor. The next day he showed up at my door, disturbing my work, and started complaining to my face, I tried to offer some suggestions, said I would move my bed away from the wall and take other measures to make sure I wasn’t bothering him, I was ready to play nice but rather than thank me for taking action after I apologized he just continued to repeat the same complaints over and over, which got on my nerves so I said unless he had anything to add to get the fuck away from my house. The next day I wrote a nice letter and gave him my number and said if I was ever bothering him all he had to do was text me and I would stop. I never received any texts or calls or bangs on the wall. In the meantime I made no complaints about the day his alarm clock went off from 5-6am, or when he had people over watching sports until 2 am, etc. The night before last I was listening to music in my room and didn’t realize the time was about 10pm when the cop knocking started again, this time accompanied by screaming. Again, I’m not a shithead, three little taps is all it would take, I turned the radio off (actually I think I was already reaching for the volume button when he started knocking). In my book that’s not “to no avail”, I was made aware of two situations, which I remedied immediately upon notification. I’m at a loss in this situation, I’m tiptoeing around my house on eggshells all day everyday so I don’t bother my neighbor but my landlord’s reaction to blame me has me completely mystified.

TLDR; what can you do when your neighbor is making noise complaints to the landlord, and getting increasingly petty while you are doing everything in your power to be quiet?

1 comment
  1. Talk to landlord and be like “he complained but you never said anything to me. Why am I getting punished for his complains that you never asked me about? his radio is blaring for no reason other than to cause problems and I’m being more than reasonable. Help me understand what’s wrong and lets fix this.”

    Otherwise? Can you break out of your lease? Or what restrictions are there on moving?

    What else can you do? have sex all day, every day until he stops being a jerk.

    If it fails? Well… at least you’re having sex. Loudly.

    There comes a point where being reasonable doesn’t work… you have to resort to being unreasonable. At the very least? I’d stop trying to be quiet until he starts being reasonable.

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