Which gender would you want if you could only have one kid?

  1. If I can say none I’m gonna choose that because I really don’t want kids but if I had to have one I wouldn’t care, I’d raise them exactly the same.

  2. Girl. My childhood was so bad I wanted to give a little girl the best one I possibly could. I dunno it’s a bit self centered but it’s been really healing for me. My daughters are wonderful and nothing like I was growing up. I was very troubled

  3. So I was team boy as I was a tomboy growing up. But having my daughter changed all that, team girl through and through. Girls are just wonderful!

  4. Son, which is what I have. Now down the road if it turns out we were all wrong and he’s actually my daughter, that changes nothing about how much I love’em.

  5. why does it matter? just be happy if your child is healthy.

    as the fifth daughter of an only son, it truly sucks to spend your life knowing you were a disappointment to your parents from the moment you were born.

  6. I have one child and he’s a boy and I’m very happy with him. I’m on the fence but probably won’t have another. When I conceived I had no gender preference but now that I have him I think he’s perfect.

  7. A girl. I’ve always imagined myself with a daughter and it’s funny because everyone in my family does too. Whenever my parents talk about wanting to be grandparents they always refer to my future baby as “she” or “her” or their granddaughter.

  8. Girl, just because I feel like I’d find it slightly easier to raise a child the same gender as me, but I would quite like one of each. Of course, you can’t pick and I will be happy with my future kids, whoever they turn out to be.

  9. I grew up with only sisters and girl cousins, so I’d hope for a boy just because of the novelty of it. Realistically though I’d probably be much better at raising a daughter. Ultimately I’d be happy with any child I had as long as they grew up to be a kind, courageous person

  10. I wanted a boy.

    I got a girl. Switched gears mentally, got to know and love her.

    When she was about 11, she came out as trans.

    Yep. It’s a boy! And he’s still the same awesome individual who I got to know and love.

  11. I’d be completely happy with either, but I have always imagined myself having boys. I grew up with only sisters and there are mostly women in my family in general. I would adore having a daughter as well, but again I picture myself as a boy mom. (My fiancé and I also have only decided on a boy name so we’ll be at square 1 if we have a girl.)

  12. Male….I don’t want my kid to ‘suffer’ from the same stuff I did

    Now I do agree that not all my “problems” r cuz of gender….but a fair bit r (mostly cuz my main problem rn is a sexist mom)

  13. I honestly wouldn’t care as long as the child was healthy and happy thats all I want.

  14. I’ve had both girls and boys…and I’m gonna say girl. My daughter has been the best kid. Always listens, great grades, only tell her once…can’t complain about her at all. My boys…whole other story.

  15. I’ve always wanted a girl but when my son was born I honestly was the happiest woman alive. I still am.

  16. A toughie for sure. I’m very honestly in camp “I just want a healthy baby”, but deep DEEEEP down I think I lean a little towards boy. I’d absolutely adore having a girl too, don’t get me wrong, but ever since my nephew was born, I just freakin LOVE taking care of him, so that’s probably where it’s coming from. He’s just the sweetest, most adorable little guy, and in general I hope my kid is as easy of a baby as he is.

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