
I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years now and he has always talked very fondly of this best friend. He is a really friendly person and has many friends, which of course is fine by me. He also meets with other girls friends and I have never had an issue with this.

However, the relationship he has with his best friend is just kind of weird. They are now living together as they study in the same city and because of that I was able to meet her. She was nice and told me she really liked me. I also thought she was a nice person.

But for some reason the way she acts around my boyfriend is weird to me. They have this kind of fights were they discuss about silly things all the time. They laugh at the same things and honestly when I was with them I felt like an outsider. I work from home so when i visited and was working they spent all day talking, making jokes or watching tv shows together.

She laughs differently when she’s around him and will make cute faces and stuff when they talk. She also texts him constantly when they are not together.

I told my boyfriend about this but he said he did not notice anything weird, so I now feel like I may be overreacting.

For Christmas her mom gave him a gift, which I also found weird because why would she do that?

He told me she’s currently meeting someone, but I don’t know. I feel very insecure

What do you think?

TL;DR I am jealous of my boyfriend’s best friend as I think she acts differently around him. Now her mom gave him Christmas gift which makes me feel even more insecure

1 comment
  1. So yeah most of it is just stuff you do with a close best friend regardless of genders. Now the issue is obvious due to them living together and being opposite gender their relation isn’t that different from relationship. The difference is essentially the lack of official recognition and physical intimacy. If you want to once more explain to your boyfriend the issue you have you should simply tell him their relation is essentially a relationship. Try to convince him to look from outside on their relation, how it “looks”. BTW you need tell him how it “looks” does matter, because you don’t sit in their minds but have eyes and ears instead to observe their relation.

    A few more things, does he prioritise her over you? Does he find time for you or does he compromise it to spend more time with his “friend” ? When you together is he reluctant to to be touchy with ou and generally act like you are in love? BTW yu should tell him that if you have limited time to spend with him you really want him to focus on you not her.

    Another thing is them living together is him living with you instead an option?

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