Men of Reddit What is one thing that is missing in your life right now?

  1. A sense that things are going to get better in our society after COVID. Not back to normal or the way things were, just a sense like we actually learned something as a whole and are trying to improve.

    It’s like a restaurant burned down. The owners promise and sell you it’s going to be better and worth eating at again.

    And when it’s rebuilt, it’s the same layout, same people complaining about the same things, and the same burgers and fries.

  2. Peace.

    I’m not talking a slow, comfortable life. I’m saying the inner peace able to comfortably handle the trials and pain of life. I know life isn’t easy. I don’t want it to be easy. I want the suffering and trails to grow as a person. I just wish mentally I could handle them better.

  3. Satisfaction in my career. It’s a funny sort of situation. I’m in Operations for a trucking firm. A career I literally fell into after working my way up from a labor/lower position.


    I’ve always been a long term employee and constantly went for more within the companies I work for. Been in my current employer for 15 years, started as a dispatcher and worked my way up. I’m at a point now where I have tons of practical experience and a great skillset, employee’s under me who value my leadership and knowledge, though I’m dis-satisfied with who I’m working for at the moment (for various reasons).


    Queue the job search, only to find that 100% of comparable positions both in and outside of my industry require a BA, one that at the moment is unattainable for me as my wife is neck deep in a Masters and we have other challenges preventing it.


    So I’ve put my resume and cover letters out there, been doing so for about a year now, networking on linked in and company social media pages, talking to recruiters and the works trying to land a job with a different company. Squat for replies even within my industry and I’m sure it’s due to the lack of a BA. So here I am despondent and feeling down about my lack of prospects and stuck in my lack of satisfaction with what I’m doing and for whom.

  4. Hope for the future, a stable relationship, a job that respects me more than a cog in a machine. It all feels so bleak.

  5. Time. With very young kids and a rigid backwards psycho boss insisting on me spending most days at the office it just does not add up. Slowly eating away at who I used to be and at who I am deep down.

  6. You know, if you asked me what would make me really happy, I couldn’t tell you. I just feel dead inside these days.

  7. Honestly I don’t even need a huge lottery payout. I could completely change my life with like, $40-50k. Wipe out all my debt, and leave enough to make a down payment on a house. It’d completely erase the mistakes of my youth and I could move on with my life looking forward instead of half my paycheck wasted in the rear view mirror

  8. Motivation to be a better person definitely.. i touched bottom of my life and i got no strength nor will to move from there

  9. Honestly, people that believe in my capabilities as an entrepreneur. Raising funds is incredibly difficult even though my company has done 1m in revenue in 2022 as a startup. It’s really unfortunate but I continue to push and believe in myself and use it as motivation for proving people wrong. I’m in Canada and I’m thinking this is one of the reasons it’s so hard. Moving to Texas next month as I think America is more business friendly and people are more likely to take risks.

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