What would you say is The American Movie? What movie best represent every aspect of American culture and society?

My pick would be || Tommy Boy || .

  1. I think Dazed and Confused has an idea solid enough everybody can relate to with the additional benefit of being set in ‘76 so every car in the movie was cool.

    Everyone’s had those jitters about the last day of school when the weather is getting nice and you’re thinking about the summer and what’s planned.

    It worked for me and I didn’t even have a license the first time I saw it

  2. No movie can possibly represent *every* aspect of American culture and society.

    As for the quintessential American movie, I’d say it is *The Sandlot*.

  3. Listen I know this may be criticized as a normie pick but hear me out, Star Wars. In my opinion it is a kind of perfect culmination of Western/American culture. The bad guys being literally faceless evil government, the good guys having the only color or flair for individuality, the way that there is a criminal element in the good guys, the good guys being the underdog, the roots of religion being considered a powerful foundation of the righteous rebellion. I don’t think any other culture but America or at least the West could have made Star Wars. At least not in the same way.

  4. *Aliens*

    Which sounds weird, but I think the overall ethos, themes, and plot of that movie are quintessentially American. A bunch of badass Marines, a government who thinks firepower is the solution, public/private partnerships, mega corporate profiteering and double dealing, questionable fashion choices, and everyone constantly shouting and arguing during a completely FUBAR situation.

    And yet, it also has great personal bravery, sacrifice, a robot, brotherhood, motherhood, Corporal Hicks, pulling together, and ultimately doing the right thing and prevailing over the threat.

    In conclusion: Get away from her, YOU BITCH!

  5. I’m still trying to figure out why people think there can be a single anything, whether film, TV, music, food, or whatever, that can be representative of America.

  6. The quintessential American film? Probably *The Sandlot*.

    The quintessential Republican film is *Team America: World Police* and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind.

  7. No one movie can capture every aspect, but Gangs of New York is my pick for most American.

  8. Obligatory there is no quintessential American movie …

    But for me it’s American Pie. Really it’s the whole American Pie series but the first one in particular.

    I’m about the same age as the guys in those films and they really encapsulated my life from high school straight through till about 30. The first almost felt like it was based on my junior and senior years of high school. The second really feels like that first summer when I came home from college right down to renting a house with my closest guy friends. American Wedding is the weakest in the series and came out a little before my friends and I all started getting married but when we did it still had the same vibe. If the first nailed my high school years, American Reunion really nailed my 10 year reunion, the struggles with growing a part, and the bonds of friendship.

    Ironically, another favorite of mine is Blockers which, in a lot of ways, is American Pie but from the perspective of the parents which is at the point where I am today.

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