Hey! I’m a 22 year old guy (turning 23 in a couple of days) living in Europe. I have had sex with 3 women in my lifetime. Used to be uglyish and nerdy, but had a glowup in recent years and look pretty good now. Also am kinda rich. Had a breakup in early december (1 year relationship, friendly breakup so not much pain) and have been thinking, taking it easy and working on myself since then. I’ve been away from the dating scene for some time.

A few days ago got back into online dating. Found this really beautiful woman in the military who I started talking to and had good chemistry. Objectively she would probably be the most beautiful woman I have ever had sex with (although subjectively all my partners have been equally beautiful to me). She has a really great curvy body. We talked about many subjects and all of a sudden we were talking about sex and I asked if she wanted to have sex or not. She replied yes and we talked a bit more on the subject. She made it clear she want nothing more from me and no dates etc, which is acceptable to me.

As we both are busy, we arranged to meet on sunday. Kinda been having doubts today if this lifestyle is really what I want as I tend to be caring and with a kind heart etc and fear if this will hurt me in some way. At the same time I feel like I should have a more adventerous life, take it easy and have some fun. And have sex with beautiful women if they want to. In the past I have had chances to have random sex with 4-5 different women, but I have cancelled in the last minute for various reasons (not really my type, have a gut feeling, not feeling it anymore etc). I feel like I should stop doing this and just live life. But I still have the doubts that I said above.

What would you do?

  1. sorry, why would it hurt you?

    me, i would do it. and if you find you don’t like it you don’t have to do it again, ykwim?

  2. If I understand correctly, you’re not sure that a ONS is a good idea for you since you will likely get attached/hurt because you know yourself well enough to know that you are not the ONS kinda person but yet you really want to be a ONS kinda person – or at least you want to try your hand at it before you decide completely that if you are or aren’t a ONS kinda person?

    I think that if you decide to try having a ONS, you should have a good plan in place for how to respect her wishes if she truly doesn’t want a relationship with you (ie have a plan for letting her go even if you don’t want to). Maybe you won’t need to use the plan, but it sounds like you know yourself and how you attachment to others pretty well, so it’s probably helpful to have a plan just in case

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