TLDR: GF (25F) broke up with me (26M) and her family is ashamed of her. Her family is the closest people she has in her life, I’m afraid this will destroy her. Wondering if there is anything I can do to help.

I’ve (26M) been with this girl (25F) for a few months (generally around the time a proposal would happen in my culture). She introduced me to her whole family, they all love me. Shortly after introducing me to them she dumped me. No one saw it coming, I felt like our communication was on point. It seemed like we could talk about anything, no matter how much we disagreed on something we were able to have a productive discussion.

Her reason was that she didn’t think our conversations were smooth. I get it somewhat, I’m not the best when it comes to social situations (its hard for me to talk about random things, if we have a subject or activity then having a conversation is no problem for me). The issue is that her parents were ready for me to propose to her (as was I). I feel bad for her now since her entire family is ashamed of her because of what she did. Her family is the closest people she has in her life, I’m afraid this will destroy her. At the end of the day I still care about her and wouldn’t want her to be getting all that hate. I want to help her somehow in any way, I just can’t think of anything.

  1. There’s not much to do I think, this was her own decision. It won’t last though, her family may be upset now but they’ll get over it. You should begin to move on as well now.

  2. Give her space.

    Someone had to make a difficult decision to break up with someone they probably cared about a lot for their own happiness.

    If you respect her, respect her decision and give her the space she wanted to create by making it.

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