I (26F) was seeing a guy (26M we’ll call him T) who I was head over heels for and he ended things just before thanksgiving because he didn’t want our feelings to continue to grow with all the romance of the holidays or whatever. But ever since we broke up I literally do not find any interest in guys on the apps… when I broke up with my boyfriend before T I went on dates within a 2 weeks or so. I can’t remember a break up ever making me just completely not interested in anyone before… Ever since T I try and meet someone new and there’s just N O T H I N G there. I have zero motivation to even respond. But I want to settle down and get married and start a family fairly soon. I just don’t know what to do or why TF it’s affecting me like this….

TL/DR A guy I really like ended things with me and ever since I don’t have any interest in anyone or any motivation to start dating again and I don’t know why tf I’m feeling like this…

  1. *A guy I really like ended things with me and ever since I don’t have any interest in anyone or any motivation to start dating again and I don’t know why tf I’m feeling like this…*

    Op, I think what you are feeling is normal and actually HEALTHY!

    You invested your feelings and heart into this relationship. Then, it crashed. (I am sorry, Op)

    Now, grieve and cry and whatever you have to do. For a time.

    Then dry your eyes, straighten your shoulders, pick your head up and walk happy and confident! Yay!

    You got this, Op! Bet.

  2. Uhh, that’s a good thing. More people need to spend time being single instead of bouncing from relationships, back into dating, and then back into another relationship so soon. Take some time focusing on yourself.

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