For some reason when I’m going down on my girlfriend and she gets close to climaxing I laugh involuntarily, it’s not a lot maybe a few exhales out of my nose and a giggle. It definitely takes her out of the mood for a little so I was wondering if anyone else can relate, knows why this happens or can offer solutions

  1. Tell her it is your happy meal?!

    What is it that makes you laugh? Can you think of something else? Focus on what you are doing rather than her almost being there?

  2. I get what you mean, when you make someone orgasm you laugh a happy laugh like ‘ yay that was me that did that’ kinda thing?! But you gotta stop that shit during oral dude or you will ruin her orgasm. Maybe you can work it into your technique somehow 🤷😅 make sure you’re sucking her clit while you exhale I’m sure that would feel great

  3. if it’s not controllable don’t feel bad or anything when you laugh during because it’s not like you’re doing it because you want to but are you nervous when you’re performing oral?

  4. I kinda love this post because I laugh at the funniest times too. If I’m getting a massage…I can’t help it! For me it’s nerves as well as I just kinda find it funny when I’m trying to be serious. I think don’t make it a big deal, hopefully over time it’ll lesson. Hey! She’s getting some awesome oral sex, could be worse.

  5. It’s joy. Explain you’re so thrilled and happy you can’t contain your joy. I have the same situasituation where he I was laughing at his cock. When I explained, he loved it and every from then on got himhimhim so excited. Sorry for the typos. Reddit sucks on my phonephone.

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