36/M I’ve been unexpectedly put back in the dating game after my fiancee left me via text message one day and gave a BS answer on why she left me. Trying to get back into the dating game again. I have been trying to find women to date in a pretty wide range of ages, I make 3x the average salary in my state, I drive a new King Ranch, have a boat, a house, I have interesting hobbies, and I’d like to think I’m decently attractive, but I can’t a date in person meeting someone or on any social app. I’ve even had a few female friends help out with my profiles. Am I missing something?

  1. So you’re able to strike up conversations but not get them to an actual date? How many conversations before you ask for a meet up? Do you bring up the fact that you were recently engaged? Maybe they don’t want to be a rebound or figure you may get back together with her.

  2. Approach women from a standpoint of making friends, not dating. Get used to being rejected and misinterpreted. Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t rely on your truck or boat or hobbies, just rely on being nice and interesting.

  3. I read this post and other than you being a year older… You’re practically me.

    I wonder if there is a disconnect on location and what the woman want where you are?

    Where I live girls are very materialistic.

    Post split I went through a phase of using my “things” to get girls (this was easy). It was much harder to find a girl not interested in my things or ability to support them financially. Showing up to the bar in my almost 90k truck isn’t exactly subtle. And most good women who aren’t interested in your money will assume you’re a cocky asshole and/or douchebag…

    I debated about buying a shitty car for that very reason.

    In the end, I deleted all the apps, and have found that just being places I would naturally be.. and presenting myself with a level of confidence and a “it’s your loss” attitude to women/dating, rather than actively trying to pick up women… Yielded the most success. Also I leave the truck at home when possible.

  4. >I make 3x the average salary in my state, I drive a new King Ranch, have a boat, a house, I have interesting hobbies, and I’d like to think I’m decently attractive

    None of this tells us anything about who you are…

    Are you looking for a transactional partner or someone who has a connection with you? If the later I suggest you think about what defines you and what are your best values / characteristics. Lead with them as defining who you are not your finances.

  5. From the sound of your post, you sound like you have high standards for ladies. I might suggest that you put beside the idea that they pursue you for money and put yourself out there. You are smart, you’ll know whether the person is interested in money or not and not everyone is interested in materials.

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