Is it common for women to hold a friend or acquaintance’s hand when walking somewhere or showing him something?

  1. Depends on the woman and her relationship with the man. I wouldn’t do this with *all* of my male friends, but a few of them that I’m really close to, I would.

  2. They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus but there is no better way to unite them than with plutonic hand holding.

  3. None of my business, i think it’s sweet if people have friendships like that though 🤷‍♀️

    My old school friends group are suuuuuper tactile and affectionate with each other whether male or female and whether in a relationship or not. We’re like brothers and sisters (even 20 years later), probably thanks to some intense boarding school trauma bonding when we kids lol so this isn’t beyond the realm of imagination for me.

  4. Arm in arm, we do it. But never did hand holding unless its for safety reasons like we are in a crowd and he’s afraid i’d get lost behind him lol

  5. I’m not a touchy person so I don’t hold hands or link arms with any of my friends, regardless of gender.

    I have no problem with how other people choose to show affection in their friendships or relationships; it’s none of business anyway.

  6. I don’t hold hands with any friends regardless of gender. It’s something I consider intimate and that I’d only be comfortable doing with a romantic partner.

  7. i don’t want to hold anyone’s hand romantically or platonically. but if other people wanna do it sure go for it.

  8. It’s really a Westernized thing for men to be so cautious that hand-holding is considered very, very outlandish. What I mean is looking at cultures that are not from the West you see there is slightly more affection allowed between males and it is totally platonic. Reasons like this we can say “gender is a social construct”, gender is not percieved or played out in the same way across every culture in the world.

  9. I have done this with male friends if we’re trying to navigate through a crowded dance floor or if I’m like “hey come look at this asap!”

    I can’t think of any other situation I would do it though, like I would never do it if we were just casually walking somewhere.

    Really surprised by the people who find arm-in-arm less intimate/more normal than hand holding. I think I would feel weird linking arms with a platonic male friend.

  10. Who cares what’s common. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Don’t look for answers within others. Search for answers within yourself and do what feels right to you

  11. I would hold hands with many of my male friends or female friends. Or hug them or link arms. I am married with children btw and monogamous. So yes, I do it.

  12. I’ll hold hands with legitimately anyone who’s comfortable with it. I just like affection. I don’t care lol.

  13. Personally not a fan, I think it’s weird unless I am leading someone somewhere and I want them to follow me unconditionally. It’s considered the most polite place to grab someone else.


    Why do I need to hold your hand, are you gonna get lost?

  14. maybe when I’m in public just becuase I get very anxious in public places but not normally because I explain stuff with my hands a lot

  15. Jokes aside, every time I’ve done it the guy ended up getting the wrong idea so I won’t make that mistake again. I used to be very affectionate with friends but it sends mixed signals.

  16. Nope…most dudes take this as a hint and go too far…made my mistake in the past, never again.

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