Or at least I don’t get why its such a big deal. I totally understand someone who knows what they like and doesn’t want to date someone shorter than they are. Power to you for knowing. But, having been on various dating apps over the years, I’ve noticed it’s become a central defining feature of someone. So much so that even off of those apps, social media has developed some kind of lore around lying about your height.

This all came to a head for me last night, when I (38m) went out on a date with a girl (32f) and twice she brought up height – first by asking if I were torso tall or leg tall and then again later in the evening asking if I’ve ever lied about my height. I’m 6’3″. She is 5’2″… even if I were rounding (which I am not), why would it matter? It’s not even remotely close.

And what if someone *does* round up a fraction or so? As if dating weren’t already convoluted enough its some kind of social crime worthy of persecution to say yea i’m 6 foot instead of 5’11.5?

Anyone have any perspective on this? I don’t really get why it is so important that it’s grounds for confrontation.

  1. it has become a status symbol for women to date a tall man. two weeks ago i went out with an 5’1″ asian woman (I’m white and 6′). we got to talking about physical preferences and she stated that she considers 5’8″ short. she also said she would never consider dating an asian guy because she thinks of them as just brothers and not sexually.

  2. I find it odd that she’d ask those questions when she’s out on a date and can literally SEE that you’re not only taller than her, but significantly taller.

    Rounding up in *my* eyes is a form of dishonesty, a white lie is still a lie in *my* book.

    She honestly sounds a little off her rocker. If I showed up on a date and the guy was 6’3” I’d not grill him about his height, or if he had ever lied about. He has no reason to, he’s tall lol. So many other important questions to ask on a date than that.

  3. Idk my bro is 5’11 and my dads 6ft. It do look different to my lil 5’2 lookin ass.

    If its sooo not a big deal why lie? Lol

    Besides we not all obsessed w height, my boyfren is 5’5 lol

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