Men of Reddit, besides being told your pecker is small, what’s the worst thing someone has said to you that hurt your feelings?

  1. I joked with my husband that his beard was patchy and I swear his heart broke. I apologized and have never joked about it since.

  2. I spend so much time thinking about others that it crushes me anytime someone suggests I might have been a little selfish, even if it’s true.

  3. I joked with my husband that his beard was patchy and I swear his heart broke. I apologized and have never joked about it since.

  4. I had a chick try to break up with me and say “You have a small dick, and I never had an orgasm with you!”

    Jokes on you, bitch! You didn’t mind sucking on it for the last 6 months, and as for your orgasms? That’s your problem. I got mine.

  5. I think good advice is – if anyone tells you your penis is small. Shrug and leave. Never look back, they’re not the type of person you want to know.

    Likewise hair loss, or hairy back.

  6. Your title makes it seem that being told your pecker is small is the worst insult imaginable

  7. After I broke up with her for hitting me for the third time, she tells me that she was actually waiting for her ex to return- and that believing he would was how she managed…
    We were together for 3 years…
    What a messed up person!

  8. A friend-turned-friends with benefits once told me “It’s nice doing this with you because you don’t have feelings, makes everything very uncomplicated.”

    I have thought about it for years now, and I’m still not sure what about that statement annoys me. I like to believe that I do have feelings.

    And no, she was not just talking about romantic feelings, but feelings in general.

  9. Had the flu once with a high fever. My ex told me “a real man wouldn’t get the flu” and then on her way out the room she said under her breathe “what a bitch” so yeah that really hurt and stuck with me

  10. An ex told me I would never find love

    Also a girl once told me I looked like a pedophile in my sunglasses. That hurt and I rarely wear them now

  11. Someone in middle school called me n***er lip lmao It’s funny now that im old but at the time I was just like wtf

  12. I think a lot of things that hurt most was when I was basically told I was an idiot for being insecure about something. It’s not that I want the insecurity validated but it’s not a great feeling when someone tells you to just get over it and how dumb you are for feeling that way or being affected past experiences in anyway that doesn’t prove you have boundless confidence. It sucks when anyone says that but there’s something especially sucky when it’s the people who say they care about your feelings and want you to express things, only for it to turn out you expressed the wrong thing

  13. It wasn’t wat they said. I told my best friend I got laid off and they cut all contact, that shit hurt.

  14. My parents attempting to gaslight me. Once I realized that they have been manipulating me my entire life, it hurt a lot… but then it made me angry and now I just hate them lol

  15. I was telling my mom about this girl and she knew what her ex looked like. Basically told me I didn’t stand a chance and that she was out of my league.

    She’s been my girlfriend for almost 7 years lol.

    Still think about it and it’s made me insecure about my looks.

  16. My ex/the egg donor told me recently that like my mom, no-one wants me… Also said that babysitter and boys and girls club are raising our kids even tho she hadnt seen them in over 2 years when she said that ignorant shit.. We were together almost 15 years

  17. “Please, you could never make anybody happy.”

    gonna stick with me forever.

  18. Nothing I know who I am and I know what i am. Others opinions are not need or requested and will be ignored

  19. Coworker who knew I’ve been struggling for years to meet someone “You’ll be lucky if someone loved you”

  20. Haven’t heard that one but I was once told I was unlovable and that shit stuck with me for far to long.

  21. Had an ex that would rate my performance unsolicited and it was always “ok”. I broke up with her for other reasons, yet we were friends with benefits for a few months after. The last time we hooked up she rated me and I said that was pathetic and we went our separate ways.

  22. If it wasn’t for kink she’d have no reason to date me over all the other guys she could date.

  23. Some bitch mocked my hairline yesterday without knowing I have cancer – I instantly shaved it and my beard off and am keeping it that way because I’m fucking sick of it

  24. “That’s your problem [my name]: you think your opinion matters—it doesn’t.”

    “You can’t even lie, that [meaning Michael B. Jordan] is a FINE man!”

    One had bigger impact on me, but one certain hurt more lmao.

  25. * You’re a womanizer and you’re talking to other women and that’s why you’re leaving me.
    * You are ugly.
    * You are black.
    * You are balding and fat and you’ll never get married.
    * You think girls will like you?

  26. I’m adult who lives at home while working and going to school. My mom’s dickhead boyfriend lived with us temporarily because he foolishly gave up his house for several months in order for his son, son’s girlfriend, and grandson a place to stay.

    Anyways one day, I wasn’t doing the outside chores right away like he wanted. Since it is not his house and he is a guest, I let it slide. But, he becomes more condescending. Eventually, I confront him and he revealed that he thinks I am smart yet I don’t know common sense. He said I was lazy, because I didn’t live the life he lived. He might as well have called me a worthless fuck. Anyway, as I was verbally defending myself, he got out of his chair and put his hands on me. This is the second time within the span of a year he did something like this.

    After he put his hands on me, he left and slept at a truck stop two towns over. Then he moved out and has lived in his trailer ever since. This was in 2022.

    Anyway, my mom got on my case on why I would not forgive the man who put his hands on me. Even though he didn’t physically hurt me, I lost any and all good will toward him. Frankly, I’d like to beat the living fuck out of him for the way he was. I told my mother to just accept that I want nothing to do with her asshole boyfriend. She couldn’t and kept bitching about it to me night after night. Finally, I told her to end this and invite him over to talk. I told him I’m willing to let things go if he agrees to not put his hands on me ever again. He deflected the entire conversation, and blamed everything on how my relationship with my mom was bad. He said she and I needed to go to therapy. Eventually, he called me lazy and then left. I beat the shit out of a Kleenex box and smashed to metal trash cans with a hammer after he left. He pissed me off severely.

    I told mom from that point forward that it disappoints me that she is staying with him and that she thinks he is the best she can get. However, I’d accept it as long as she accepts that I want absolutely nothing to do with him and his family. His family is just an extension of him and I don’t want to be associated with them. She relented.

    So, yeah, getting insulted and physically threatened by my mom’s idiotic boyfriend pisses me off to this day. My mom told me weeks ago that he had some mini strokes. Frankly, I didn’t shed an ounce of sympathy. Screw him.

  27. That i am useless, dumb and will never achieve anything besides being an alcoholic.

  28. “I’ve just never loved anyone since [her ex]” – my gf at the time after a few drinks.

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